Friday, January 15, 2021

Former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Says President Trump Has Put Us In 'A Worse Place Today Than We Were Before He Came In'

U.S. President Donald Trump, flanked by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, holds a cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S., December 20, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst 

The former Exxon Mobil CEO told Foreign Policy magazine that Trump’s ‘understanding of global events … was really limited.’ 

WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who once reportedly called President Donald Trump a “moron” behind closed doors, is now disparaging — on the record — his former boss’s grasp of affairs both foreign and domestic. 

“His understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of U.S. history was really limited,” the former Exxon Mobil chief told Foreign Policy magazine in an interview released this week. 

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WNU Editor: Is former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson blaming President Trump for the pandemic and its consequences? He is not clear on that. But on foreign policy he is and I disagree with his assessment. 

Every U.S. administration wants a foreign policy success, and if they are able to achieve one or two during their tenure it is usually regarded as a success. 

For President Obama, it was the Iran nuclear deal, Paris Accord on Climate Change, and the trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). 

For President Trump it is a renegotiated NAFTA trade deal, getting NATO members to spend more on their defense budgets, negotiating four separate peace deals between Israel and its neighbors, and .... in my opinion the most important one .... being the first U.S. President in my life time to not start a new war and/or escalate an existing one. We are definitely not in the same war environment that we were four years ago when US forces were battling ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and against the Taliban in the Afghan war. And for this I give credit to the President.

Here is my list on some of my disappointments when it comes to Trump's foreign policy. Not pushing forward to having  better relations with North Korea. Not enforcing the U.S. - China trade deal that was signed last year. Not having better relations with Russia. A new trade deal with the EU to address the current massive trade imbalance. 


jimbrown said...

Tillerson who?

You know, conservatives need to prepare every day with a full team for taking over in 2024. And cut at least 50% of the swamp or move it away from WDC.

Anonymous said...

If Tillerson had not been appointed as ambassador, so he could turnaround and bite Trump.
Tillerson would be on the list to send to a camp, because and solely because he was an oil exec.

Tillerson thanks his lucky stars every night that he was able to obtain high office to criticize Trump; it washes out the stain of his climate change debt.

It would not be Tillerson who? Little Eichmans would be marching him off to a camp due to AGW.

Anonymous said...

Trump still holds Japan accountable for Pearl Harbor and even thinks that event is still relevant to relations between both countries, he really put the US in a terrible spot in the world.

Anonymous said...

World War 2 has not gone away. Germany and Germans still get beaten up for it. German foreign policy and immigration policy is still affected by it.

Japan's military force structure and expenditures are still internally constrained by WW2. Ww2 and the comfort women still hurt Japan's relations with China and Korea to this day. In China's case, the government is definitely stoking it for the ruling class's gain.

Abe and Trump are drinking busies BTWE, so it tell people everything they need to know.