Saturday, January 16, 2021

In The Heart Of Washington D.C. There Is Now A Baghdad-Style 'Green Zone' Perimeter

People take photos through the extensive security surrounding the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Friday
The area around the White House has also been closed as has a key bridge over the Potomac River that connects Virginia to Washington, as well as East and West Potomac Parks including Hains Point, which are near the Mall. 

 * The Secret Service, who is in charge of all inauguration security, has released its restricted access plan, which includes what the agency is calling a 'Green Zone' in the heart of DC 
 * Most of downtown DC is now off-limits to traffic and has already drawn comparisons to Baghdad's high-security zone 
 * In extraordinary scenes out of DC, thousands of armed military members are patrolling the streets and anti-climb steel fences and road blocks continue to be installed 
 * The National Park Service said on Friday it was immediately closing the National Mall and iconic landmarks in Washington through at least January 21 amid an unprecedented boost in security ahead of the inauguration 
 * The area around the White House has also been closed as has a key bridge over the Potomac River that connects Virginia to Washington 
 * National Guard troops and thousands of other law enforcement officers have been brought in to help fortify DC to protect the capital from any potential violence after the deadly Capitol siege 

Washington DC is in lockdown with a Baghdad-style 'Green Zone' perimeter set up days out from Joe Biden's inauguration as more than 20,000 armed National Guard troops are mobilized, razor wire is installed on fences and road blocks are put in place amid 'major security threats' in the capital. 

As security intensifies in Washington, the Secret Service, who is in charge of all inauguration security, has released its restricted access plan, which includes what the agency is calling a 'Green Zone' in the heart of DC. 

The term 'Green Zone' was the same name given to the heavily-fortified area in Baghdad during the Iraq War. Most of downtown DC is now off-limits to traffic and has already drawn comparisons to Baghdad's high-security zone. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I cannot resist (see below).


Anonymous said...

This is totally overkill for an inauguration, even after the capital riot. The only thing that would make sense is they are preparing for the civil unrest that would result from Trumps arrest as soon as Biden takes office. Hope I am wrong,but nothing else makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Chansley is a threat? He is looney toons. He voluntarily called up the FBI and talked to them 32 days before he was arrested. Jacob Chansley is a walking talking poster boy for "This is your brain on drugs". He told law enforcement that he has taken marijuana in the past. He tells podcast listeners that he did peyote and other stuff. Maybe that was for cred. Chansley was in the Navy. I want to know where he was stationed, his discharge type, his rater and how much he drank.

Serious about the drinking. If drinking can cause methylization of the DNA of the little guys, then maybe it can rewire the brain enough that you are borderline. Chansley participated in BLM marches. So by my thinking he belongs to liberals, Democrats are at fault.

The Trump people specifically told people coming to the rally to not bring banners, flag poles, liquids or backpacks. A registered Democrat from Delaware brought a Confederate flag to Capitol Hill. Where do you go with that except maybe intimidation and/or woodshed so that such a jackwagon does not do that anymore?

So far we have 3 registered Democrats, John Sullivan (Antifa), his sidekick(Antifa), Jacob Chansley (He's all over the place but still Left of Center), and the person who got shot. Not seeing a lot of Trukp0 supporters. Mainly seeing people Left of Center.

Jac said...

I like that: this means a lot! The President elect has to be protected from the people, exactly as in a dictatorship...welcome to the democrat's society.

Unknown said...

The American establishment, together with the British establishment has been doing this to other countries since the '50s. They've been doing it on steroids since 2001. Now they've done it to them selves. This smacks of "regime change' rather than your Bog standard Presidential election. Praise the Lord & pass the ammunition. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's overkill
Here's why: the biggest armed militia in the US, with more than 35,000 members, has months ago already declared that Joe Biden will not be their president, based on information that the media suppressed purposefully, ie the Chinese spy connection and millions in corruption that they ignored, not even mentioning the pedophelia they didn't investigate, but everyone knows Hunter Biden (and Joe Biden to a lesser extent) engaged in. They have sworn their oath to the constitution. They're the oath keepers. Many ex military.

And they're just one group. Experienced explosive specialists, ex special ops, all of it. If they want, Biden is dead , nothing you can do about it, unless he stays in a bunker 24/7

Anonymous said...

Sarah Starrett

"These people were proud to call what they were doing – a coup"

Sarah Starrett

REVolutionary COMmunists

Sarah Starrett

attorney for the Dept. of Labor


Anonymous said...

"armed militia in the US, with more than 35,000 members, has months ago already declared that Joe Biden will not be their president"

Assertion no Proof

Anonymous said...

Former Buzzfeed employee Tim Gionet
John Sullivan
Jade Sacket
2 Registered Democrats from Delaware
Registered Democrat from NYC

These are the Democrat Turcopoles, which operate quasi independently to the Ottoman DNC.

In the Ottoman Era the Ottomans would sign a peace treaty and then allow their affiliates to keep raiding to keep up the pressure. Plausible deniability and all that

Anonymous said...

“I’m thinking he’s heaven-sent,” raps Baked Alaska in the song, referring to Andrew Yang.

Baked Alaska = Gionet

Link has video that is eye candy for liberals

Anonymous said...

"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn’t F-ing Elect You!”

– DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City

Anonymous said...

Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters — Tells Supporters on YouTube He Received Soros Money

Daniel Alan Baker

* Ballot Box Stuffing
* Newspaper hit pieces
* Lawfare

They all lead to radicalization of Left and Right.

Do you suppose Sarah Starrett is listening or cares?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious post Wnu!

Anonymous said...

Now all kneel, and confess Pelosi your saviour.

Anonymous said...

The USA has become a dictatorship, with rigged elections and troops protecting the corrupt politicians from the wrath of the people.

Anonymous said...

Biden won. The court all agree. The popular vote agrees. The Electoral college agrees. The attempt to overthrow the govt took place and that is why so many troops on hand for Wednesday. Your denial simply means you are a simple-minded person who swallows Trump BS and he has now destroyed the GOP.
Now call me names. typical. Facts are facts and if you think you can show us that Trump got more votes than Biden then show here! or shut the fuck up and try some new approach to your conspiracy horseshit

Anonymous said...

Biden won. The court all agree.

Democrats doxxed a SCOTUS judges children's school. That judge declined to hear cases.

Agreement and acquiescence of the threatened?

Anonymous said...

-- Lawyers and judges: The rule of law matters
---Republicans call for unity but won’t acknowledge Biden won fairly
--- CNN Poll: Republican Party favorability dips as most want party to move on from Trump

Anonymous said...

Ministry of Truth Man (12:14) wants respect. You ain't getting it.

Anonymous said...


Next time you steal an election do your homework.

When you send the press and poll watchers home due to a water main break, remember put in the work order.

You would not know about work orders, because you have never have done manual labor, been a lab tech or been a manager of such. You got a dross degree and upon 'graduation' you got a make work job.

So, I can see where you forgot the obvious.

Anonymous said...

I worked a machine making parts for experimental air force fighter planes and I worked machine cranking out bullets at Winchester Repeating Arms so don't tell me about my background you sneaky stalker: fuck you and fuck your family!

Longtime GOP insider Mike Lofgren on his former party: "Going easy on these people will not work" |
-- How Republicans Are Warping Reality Around the Capitol Attack
-- After White House Meeting with Trump, Mike Lindell Calls for Military Coup on Facebook
-- Prospect of Pardons in Final Days Fuels Market to Buy Access to Trump - The New York Times
--- CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating reaches new low as term ends - CNNPolitics

RussInSoCal said...

12:14 PM

You forget yourselves. IE: the five-year coup attempt against a legitimately elected president.

When you have 100 million votes cast before election day with a free for all of mail-in ballets, the fraud is baked in.

When you have Pennsylvania changing rules ad hoc before election day to accommodate 300,000 late votes, the fraud is baked in.

The Dems lost seats in every state legislature and governor's race, but "won" the presidency and "won" the senate race in Georgia.

So go ahead and gloat and insult. You've earned yourself a running joke of a president who is unfit for office and will severely damage the country.

Hope you don't live in a deep blue urban district, people like me (business owners, job creators, high earners) avoid those areas like the plague.

Anonymous said...

We have provocateur here at WNU. Someone forgot their legend.

Is the provocateur foreign, NGO or freelance? That is the only question.

Easy prediction: Provocateur is going to go silent or get caught.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

851 if you want proof just Google "Oath keepers" statement on Biden. They publicly declared this a while ago. Not making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Oath Keepers use the same language as many. They use the word "Battle".

Many Democrats also said Trump was not their president from 2016 onwards.

So the oath keeper leader said nothing different than Hillary Clinton and others.

And yes, you are making shit up. Very much so. There are more than one use of the words battle and fight. It can be used literally and figuratively.

As far as I can tell the only people bringing weapons to DC were ANTIFA (your guys) and the one guy form Alabama (a one off).

The stats do not favor you. Only media spin does.

Anonymous said...

Worked a machine (according to you)! I thought you were a patch cord ranger in the ASA. DD-214 please.

Anonymous said...

No,you made the accusation, YOU provide the proof. Didn't that ex-male student teach you anything?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the oath keepers, I didn't mean to imply they are determined to do anything. I just reported on what they said, ie that they believe Biden is an illegitimate president, and their reasoning seems sound, considering what we (those who actually have eyes) know about the Biden Chinese connection.. I'm Not American, so I look at this from the outside, so take it for what it's worth. I agree that Democrat backed BLM and Antifa have caused FAR greater damage,with estimated death toll around 30 and USD2bn in property damage. .. so I get both sides.
What is important is that whatever happens you don't engage in violence against your brothers and sisters,as my feeling tells me we are all being edged on and mislead.and again. .I blame the MSM for withholding crucial information about the Biden Chinese spy ring connections. The Hunter Biden audio tape is chilling to listen to. Good luck everyone

Anonymous said...

A green Zone is a good idea considering that Democrats have ensured that America does not know ho9w many Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iranians and others, who are in the country.

Plus a fence is a good idea to keep President Alzheimers from wandering off.

fred said...

Ge over
Trump lost

fred said...

Trump lost White House senate and house
And all u do is call names
Fucking low ice dope loser

Anonymous said...

Since when did you work for Remington?

RussInSoCal said...

Re: 2016 - "Get over it. Hillary lost".

RussInSoCal said...

Biden is an illegitimate president. He will behave as all illegitimate dictators do. Meaning he will immediately begin ramming unpopular edicts though the government system as soon as he gets installed into office. Most of these edicts will be against the will of the people and against the best interests of the country. These edicts will benefit no one except people who have encased themselves within the new DC Green Zone.

This is what generally happens with people who weren't elected legitimately. They wall themselves off from the people they're supposed to represent. They keep the riff raff out.

/or is it that they're the ones absent freedom or peace - locked safely inside their ivory tower?



Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

DD-214 please!

Anonymous said...


Your argument is only 62 words long, which is well short of the Higson Limit. You need to wear people out, if you are going to persuade them. It does not matter if it is a post, a novel or a speech. It is why longer novels are generally considered masterpieces. It is a technique that Hitler used in his longwinded stem winders taught to him by Erik Jan Hanussen.

Next time pout everything in bold print. People seeing the non-bold font have the smallest smidgen that you haven't convinced yourself. Keep up the good work. Thanks!

I wouldn't hurt, if you could throw in sentences with more than one or two clauses. To improve your writing, so you can convert more people, you should consider a adult literacy program, which includes writing improvement. You write as though you never graduated 6th grade.

kidd said...

usa government will go to hell soon

RussInSoCal said...

Biden will forever have an asterisk by his title. Because he is an illegitimate occupier of the White House.

The election was a fraud. His so called presidency will be a disaster for the country.

Anonymous said...

I like how clerk switches to his "kidd" sock puppet and usually spans with it, when he belated realizes he is getting no traction with his other sock puppets.

Biden is not merely illegitimate, he is an usurper, whose minions are about to finish constructing a fascist state that Hitler could only dream about.