Monday, January 4, 2021

Iran Says It Has Resumed Enriching Uranium To 20% At Its Fordow Nuclear Facility


Iran says it has resumed enriching uranium to 20% purity, in its most significant breach yet of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. 

Government spokesman Ali Rabiei told state media the process had started at the underground Fordo plant near Qom.  

Enriched uranium can be used to make reactor fuel but also nuclear bombs. 

Weapons-grade uranium is 90% purity. Iran, which insists that its nuclear programme is peaceful, has rolled back a number of commitments under the deal.

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WNU Editor: So why the enrichment now? My guess is that it is all about positioning themselves for the expected talks with the Biden administration later this year. 

 More News On Iran Saying It Has Resumed Enriching Uranium To 20% At Its Fordow Nuclear Facility 


Xyz said...

It's all about killing the world with radiation

Xyz said...

Time is short u 👿