Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Italy's Coalition Government On The Brink Of Collapse


Italy's ruling coalition collapsed on Wednesday after former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi withdrew support over the country's economic recovery plans. 

Renzi announced in a press conference on Wednesday evening that his Italia Viva party was resigning from government. 

The small centrist party had two ministers.

It also means the ruling coalition no longer has a majority in parliament. 

His announcement plunged the country, Europe's most heavily impacted by the pandemic, into a new political crisis. 

WNU Editor: As if there wasn't enough troubles in the world. 

 More News On Italy's Coalition Government On The Brink Of Collapse 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course it was going to collapse. The PM is a vindictive socialist dickhead. He has tried to jail his predecessors, because he thought he could. He is just a few steps ahead of Schumer.