Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Joint Chiefs Send Memo To All U.S. Troops Saying The Riots At The Capital Building Were An Act Of Sedition And Insurrection And That Joe Biden Is The Next President

The memo was signed by all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 

 * The military's top leaders issued a written reminder to all service members Tuesday that the deadly insurrection at Capitol was a criminal act 
 * The memo signed by all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also reminded military members that Joe Biden was duly elected as the next president 
 * It comes after the arrest of current and retired officers among the rioters 
 * Among the known retired veterans who stormed the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt, a retired Air Force veteran, who was shot dead 
 * Retired Lt. Col Larry Rendall Brock Jr., 53, was slapped with federal charges after he was pictured carrying plastic handcuffs in the Capitol during the riot 
 * The Army is also investigating a psychological warfare officer Captain Emily Rainey for leading a group of people from North Carolina to the rally 

The military's top leaders issued a written reminder to all service members Tuesday that the deadly insurrection at the Capitol last week was an anti-democratic, criminal act, and that the right to free speech gives no-one the right to commit violence. 

A memo signed by all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also reminded military members that Joe Biden was duly elected as the next president and will be sworn in to office on January 20. 

The memo was unusual in that the military leadership, including Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, felt compelled to remind service members that it is wrong to disrupt the constitutional process. 

WNU Editor: To issue such a rare memo tells me that the Pentagon leadership are concerned/worried that some in the military support what happened last week at the Capital Building, and that some may not support/recognize Joe Biden as President. 

I know among my many friends who have served in the U.S. military, or who are currently serving .... no one supports the violence that occurred at the Capital Building last week. 

All of them also know and recognize (albeit some reluctantly) that Joe Biden will be President on January 20. 

But the Joint Chiefs are clearly worried. So am I missing something here? 

 More News On The Joint Chiefs Sending A Memo To All U.S. Troops Saying The Riots At The Capital Building Were An Act Of Sedition And Insurrection And That Joe Biden Is The Next President 


RussInSoCal said...

I have no idea what they're worried about. All the "polls" show a large drop in support for Trump in active-duty personnel.

Anonymous said...

Makes me sick the Obama generals continue to act in a manner beneath the dignity of the US military.

Anonymous said...

"For most of the morning, the crowd simply grew, milled around, waved flags, listened to speakers, sang, chanted, boosted signs, made connections with like-minded souls from all over the country, and stood in interminable lines at public toilets. Half a million? A million? Somewhere in between? More than that?

In the early afternoon, a few hundred, a statistically insignificant percentage of the whole gathering, went over to the Capitol Building to make a stand and have their say. That’s what most of them did – stood around on the steps and talked, waved their flags, and sang the national anthem.

Some went inside. We’ll probably never know how many of those inside were embedded Antifa, how many were embedded law enforcement, and how many were Looky-Lous or simply yahoos up to no good, but there were certainly some of each."

The above is close to my view. It was not sedition.

What is seditious is John Earle Sullivan, He is ANTIFA, If there was one there were more.

Do the Joint Chief Turkeys support ANTIFA (an idea) that threw concrete blocks and frozen bottles of water at city police and federal officers? It was such a large scale that that is sedition. ANTIFA has permanently law officers with lasers.

This happened on such a large scale repeatedly over months in many cities and General Milley would not consider sending troops to patrol cities.

The flash polls are down? I expect they would be. But Monday and Tuesday are different mood than Thursday and Friday. People are not so down as the facts are being discussed.

People will be angry each time a regular citizen is sentenced that ANMTIFA was let off the hook for. The mere fact that John Sullivan is free and other people are already on a no fly list stinks of political corruption.

About those polls. Ask a service member, if a significant number of them lie on command climate surveys. They figure that that although no names are given, if they put pay grade and 1 or 2 other facts, they can be identified.

There is a certain amount of messaging also. So I expect polls to decrease , but to also rebound.

fazman said...

Suddenly democrats are against protests ?!!! Lmfao

Stephen Davenport said...

RussinSoCal - Show me all the "polls" say there is a drop in support for Trump. Couple of questions 1) Have you ever been in the military and 2) Have you ever talked to anyone in the military in your life? To pre-counter your ass, yes I am a veteran from a family of veterans. I know how the average military person thinks and its not this hardcore left thing your spewing. So in short, I want to see "all" the polls you are talking about.

Anonymous said...


Russ is not Leftwing. Russ was mocking the Left in that the Left says things are going their way and yet they tremble like cowards.

I think any drop in the polls is a dip.

I noticed it with e local "rightwing" talk show hosts. They use to be liberal, but they grew up. They call the gov and others jackwagons and other names. They were shocked by events on Thursday and Friday, but gradually their nuts are getting re-attached.

It'll be more so as John Sullivan and cohort are exposed.

Anonymous said...

The silencing of a stolen election in progress.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Clerky spotted at 10 o'clock high

Anonymous said...

This is your Democrat Party.

"Barbara Boxer (DEMONCRAT), a former United States Senator from California has apparently taken a job with a firm in China that is known for surveillance of ethnic minorities."

Democrat Party is the party of slavery and tyranny.

Anonymous said...

"President-elect Joe Biden’s inaugural committee is refunding a $500 donation from former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) over her registration as a foreign agent with a firm alleged to have aided the Chinese government’s surveillance of the Uighur ethnic minority."

A refund, eh?

No denying that she is a foreign agent working for a hostile nation.

RussInSoCal said...

Stephen Davenport

You missed my sarcasm. Maybe I was too subtle. The polls show whatever the MSM wants to show. They manipulate the statistics to lean whichever way they deem correct.

So any poll showing a drop in support for Trump by active-duty would likely be BS. Being that Trump is the only president in some 50 years who hasn't engaged them in a new war.