Thursday, January 14, 2021

South Africa's Covid-19 Coronavirus Mutation Raises Vaccine Concerns


As the British coronavirus variant occupies countries' pandemic plans due to its increased transmissibility, other mutations to the Sars-CoV-2 are provoking concern among scientists who are scrambling to work out if they will still respond to vaccines. 

In particular, one mutation, known as E484K, detected initially in South Africa and on subsequent variants in Brazil and Japan, has raised alarm among researchers. 

Ravi Gupta, professor of microbiology at the University of Cambridge, said it is this mutation -- and not the much-covered British variant -- that is "the most worrying of all". 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Below are a few articles that outline why this is a concern: 

 Just a heads up. Where I live (Montreal, Canada), there are growing concerns that the vaccine is not as effective as advertise .... Seven Quebecers test positive for COVID-19 despite first vaccination, heightening questions over delayed boosters (CTV News).


Anonymous said...

Different sub channels one main channel, the AP (Associated Prostitutes).

More subchannels does not mean more information. It may mean illusion.

Dave Goldstein said...

Which vaccine? 50% on 1st shot and after about 2 weeks.