Thursday, January 14, 2021

U.S. Air Force Recommends Space Command's HQ Be Located To Huntsville, Alabama


 * A decision has been made to move Space Command from Colorado to Alabama 
 * The decision is provisional, depending on an environmental impact survey 
 * The survey will be completed in 2023; until then Space Command remains in CO 
 * Alabama politicians were celebrating the Trump-appointee's decision 
 * Colorado officials said the move was political and would spark job losses 
 * Space Command, one of 11 military commands, is different from Space Force 
 * Space Force, one of six military branches, has its headquarters in the Pentagon 

Alabama has been provisionally selected as the host of the new Space Command headquarters, disappointing five other states vying to house the military command, and delighting Donald Trump's supporters in the strongly Republican state. 

The new site will be in at the Huntsville, at the Redstone Arsenal - a Second World War-era site of 38,000 acres, which currently serves as the center for the U.S. Army's missile and rocket programs.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Not everyone is happy with this decision .... Colorado lawmakers blast Space Command decision, urge Biden to review (Politico). More here .... Mo Brooks says Biden, Dems could move Space Command out of Alabama ( 

 More News On The U.S. Air Force Recommending Space Command's HQ Be Located To Huntsville, Alabama 


Dave Goldstein said...

NM is not happy either. Just depends on clout of senators, we don't have Pete anymore so no power.

Anonymous said...

tough shit blue states

Stephen Davenport said...

I guess it comes down to which states bribes the most, you know donate to the right campaign.

Anonymous said...

It makes sense. You would be close to people making important hardware for space force command and others.

Also, you should spreads stuff out. You do not concentrate things in high cost of living or commuting hells or areas of poverty. The Colorado Piedmont is traffic hell. Also what happened in Portland and Seattle is and will happen in Denver.

The US put facilities at Huntsville because it was backwards. That was over 1/2 a century ago. AOC opened her mouth (and removed all doubt) about the South being suppressed and needing to be liberated. Her view of the South is Burt Reynold's movies, Porky's and The Dukes of Hazard. I visited the Deep South in 2002 after being away for a decade. Slow tree lined, two lane country highways were 4 lane divided highways. I did not recognize anything.

AOC does not recognize North Carolina's Research Triangle Park, Northern Alabama's research area around Huntsville or the Atlanta is overtaking Chicago Although Democrats are doing their level best to gut Atlanta.

Between Hispanic immigration, other immigration , intermarriage, I do not see why AOC and like minded ignorant people have this antebellum view of the South.

Here are reasons, why it makes sense to have space command in Alabama and specifically Huntsville.

Y'all need to get smart!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Liberate Red States From Their Suppression

Anonymous said...

Umm, how do you get satellites into orbit? With like I don't know rockets and missiles?

Shocker I know.

It really helps to have HQ next to design and manufacturing. Manufacturing is distributed, but...

If there is a problem the SES and generals can stroll over to design, assembly and test without getting on an airplane. Probably helps combat espionage to not have travel itineraries splattered all over a government travel software, 3rd party contractors and private hotel systems.

Anonymous said...

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It is news to almost nobody who reads American Thinker that a political witch hunt is underway. Parties in and out of government are looking for excuses to suppress and destroy voices that oppose the left.