Wednesday, January 13, 2021

There Are Now More US Troops In Washington DC Than In Iraq And Afghanistan Combined

National Guard members gather and rest at the U.S. Capitol, January 13. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin put the unprecedented state of American politics into a startling data point during a Wednesday report from the nation’s capital, noting that there are now more U.S. troops inside Washington, D.C. than there are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Speaking with Your World host Neil Cavuto, Griffin showed footage of the now thousands of National Guard troops, from the District of Columbia as well as nearby states Maryland and Virginia, that are now setting up perimeters around the Capitol, in response to last week’s unprecedented pro-Trump mob attack. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Four times more .... 20,000+ National Guard soldiers in Washington DC. About 5,000 US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Jennifer Griffin's video report is here .... More US troops in Washington DC than in Iraq, Afghanistan combined (FOX News).


RussInSoCal said...

I thought US Troops in the Capital was illegal and disgraceful and an outrageous wielding of Trump's "dictatorial" powers.

This was explained to us in hysterical detail back in June.

But now we have ~20,000 armed patrolling the US Capital.

I guess it all depends on the political affiliation of the protesters.



B.Poster said...


Nailed it!! A POTUS the leadership class loathes can't have such protection. Neither can small business owners. The leadership class wasn't even seriously threatened yet they get all this. Not surprising of course.