Friday, January 29, 2021

Tweets Of The Day

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

Well Mr. Greenwald you have a valid point, however, for a large corporation or anyone it is helpful to know what those whose policies can and will affect you are doing or are planning on doing so, yes, they do pay them large sums for 45 minute speeches where they impart to these corporate officials there "wisdom." You see Mr. Greenwald part of being able to function and be successful in the "private sector" is to be a "futurist."

If I had large sums of money to pay these people to impart their "wisdom" to me so that I might gain a clearer window into that which they are thinking, I would certainly do so!! The enormous benefit this would have to me and my clients would be beyond enormous!! Now if I could persuade them to my thinking on something that would be really cool!! Naturally I might try and do so. Of course you call such things "servitude."

As most folks do not have the resources to pay such decision makers large sums of money to deliver speeches to get "straight from the horse's mouth" what their thoughts are and what policies they are likely to implement, we must watch them carefully, see what they are doing now, what have they done in the past, and from this make decisions based upon what we think they are likely to do in the future and act based upon this.

In the case of the Biden Administration, it appears they have killed Keystone costing thousands of jobs, angered Canada and Saudi Arabia, as well as declared war on a phantom called "climate change" diverting huge amounts of resources away from more pressing issues among other things, and all for no good reason. Based upon these actions and actions prior to Biden's ascendancy to the position of POTUS I think it a safe assumption that we can expect even more boneheaded actions from this group.