Friday, January 29, 2021

Is Iran's New Pipeline Is A Game Changer? Game-changing Iranian Pipeline Set To Launch In March 

The geopolitically game-changing Goreh-Jask pipeline project saw a major advance last week with the commencement last week of offshore pipe-laying operations. 

The implementation of this operation markets the first stage of the offshore development of the Jask Oil Terminal and, according to the Pars Oil and Gas Company, this offshore section of the early-production phase of the project will be completed with the construction of two 36-inch offshore pipelines running for around 12 kilometres and a single buoy mooring with ancillary equipment. 

Overall, the company added, the early-production phase of the Jask Oil Terminal Development Project is 70 per cent complete, allowing the project to come online by late March. 

WNU Editor: It will lower shipping costs.


Anonymous said...

It will make Iranian oil shipments MUCH more vunerable in a fight to either sabotage or direct attack. How many miles of coastal pipelines with pumping stations. all less than what 20 miles from the coast and through open desert. Seems to me a dream for Iran's enemies

Anonymous said...

What he said.^

Anonymous said...

Close the straights and there pipeline gets bombed. as pointed out above. Meanwhile the Saudis can export through the Red Sea. Prices rise due to conflict and Western nations have social unrest. No one will be looking at Yemen. Or care. So after Red Sea interruption they will resume in 2 or 3 months.