Friday, January 29, 2021

Two US Destroyers And A Refueling Ship Enter The Black Sea

USS Donald Cook and a Navy P-8 surveillance plane

The deployment of the two US Navy ships, along with a refueling ship, is the largest American presence in the waterway in three years. 

WASHINGTON: For the first time in three years the Navy has sent three ships – including two destroyers – into the Black Sea, just days after President Biden confronted Vladimir Putin about Russian policy. 

The move is sure to be read by Moscow as a statement of intent as the United States looks to confront Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, attempts to assassinate political rivals and reformers at home, and continuing acts of violence against Russians in NATO countries, as well as the persistent threats Vladimir Putin’s regime has made against NATO countries. 

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WNU Editor: The move is sure to be read by Moscow as a statement of intent. Especially happening after this week's phone call between Presidents Biden and Putin.


Anonymous said...

The US is always putting destroyers into the Black Sea. It is not new.

"Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on March 29, 2004 following the decision taken at the Prague Summit, in November 2002. "

Romania is a NATO ally after all and Russia raped Romania in the recent past.

What caught my eye is that it was two destroyers instead of the usual one. They are still out numbered and out on a limb.

With any Democrat president this would have happened. It is not particular to Joe, who I believe is a puppet. IMO it tells more about what the DC establishment thing and wants to do. I do not think this establishment has things figured out well at all. To play all over the word and to have a good economy and nation, you have to juggle a lot of balls. I truly believe that they can't juggle but a 3rd of less of the balls they need to juggle. They think they can but they can't.

Putin is an oligarch and an ass. Nothing has changed. But the establishment should prioritise and take action. Xi is the greater threat and the establishment has show they do not have the pieces on the board for it nor intend to. They have also should over the last 1/2 decade that they are oligarchs and asses too.

Deplatforming traders from Robinhood, Schwab and other trading platforms, because the big boys who are connected got hurt is just one example.

kidd said...

sit on it