Wednesday, January 13, 2021

U.S. Cancels U.N. Envoy's Trip To Taiwan


NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department’s cancellation of all travel this week includes a planned visit to Taiwan by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft, a State Department spokeswoman said on Tuesday. 

Craft had been due to visit Taiwan from Wednesday to Friday, prompting China, which claims the self-ruled island as its own, to warn that Washington was playing with fire. 

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday that all travel this week had been canceled, including his own trip to Europe, as part of the transition to the incoming Biden administration. 

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WNU Editor: No it will not .... Cancelled trips to Taiwan, Europe will help ease US-China tensions, observers say (SCMP). I can easily see the opposite. China putting more pressure on Taiwan as a test on what the incoming Biden administration may/will do. 

 More News On The U.S. Canceling U.N. Envoy's Trip To Taiwan 

1 comment:

Jac said...

China will test Biden on its annexation of the South China Sea. If Biden abandons this annexation to China as the Europeans abandoned Austria to Germany, then, as Hitler attacked Poland, China will attack Taiwan. This could bring WW3.