Monday, January 11, 2021

US Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin Breaks Ranks With Fellow Democrats And Says House Impeachment Plan 'Ill-Advised'

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) © Greg Nash 

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said on Monday that a House plan to vote this week to impeach President Trump is “ill-advised,” warning that there aren’t the votes in the Senate to convict the president. 

"I think this is so ill-advised for Joe Biden to be coming in, trying to heal the country, trying to be the president of all the people when we are going to be so divided and fighting again. 

Let the judicial system do its job," said Manchin, who represents a state where Trump is very popular. 

Manchin added that he did not believe there would be the support in the Senate to meet the two-thirds vote required to convict Trump. He indicated that he had been trying to convey that message to the House amid its discussions about the path forward following last week's attack on the Capitol. 

WNU Editor: Finally a vote of sanity .... but one that I predict will not be listened to or followed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not trust Machin. This may be more about fear of his constituents not voting for him next election. On the positive side knowing there is at least 1 Democrat not wanting to convict might steel Snow to do the right thing.

Murkowski and Romney are too far gone. Not saying they would vote to convict, but I think there are more chances for than against.

Romney is a Never Trumper that asked for a position in his cabinet in 2016/2017, did not get one and then went vindictive. Will that stop? Ditto Cindy McCain.

As an aside what is Cindy's qualification other than being rich and being married to John McCain?

Murkowski is spoiled on way that Warren Buffett did not want his children to be. They are not going to inherit hos whole fortune or even a majority of it. One son owns his own farm that he built on his own from what I know. Buffett's son is not spoiled, but Lisa is IMO. Lisa's dad appointed her to his former job. Does it show? IMO it does.

Bustle is a lightweight, crap site. Is has some info though.