Monday, January 11, 2021

US Democrats Introduce One Impeachment Article Accusing President Donald Trump Of 'Incitement To Insurrection'


 * House meets Monday after Wednesday's riot by Trump supporters in the Capitol and Democrats formally introduce article of impeachment
 * They accuse Donald Trump of incitement to insurrection and also say he broke post-Civil War 14th Amendment which bans rebels from holding public office 
 * Democrats asked Republicans to join 'unanimous' demand to Mike Pence to remove Trump using the 25th Amendment but they objected 
 * Now House will vote on demand on Tuesday forcing individual Republicans into declaring on the record whether they want him removed or not 
 * If Pence does not remove him by Wednesday, House will vote on impeachment
 * Timetable after that is less clear: Mitch McConnell says Senate will not take up the move until January 19 at earliest 
 * On January 20 Chuck Schumer becomes Senate Majority Leader but has still to spell out his plans 
 * No Republican has signed on to impeachment publicly but Democrats say they believe some will vote for it 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders formally accused Donald Trump of incitement to insurrection Monday morning as part of an attempt to shame him out of office at breakneck speed. 

Democrats introduced their impeachment resolution, first floated Friday, accusing Trump of 'incitement of insurrection' as the House met and later announced there would be a vote on it on Wednesday starting at 9a.m. 

Top Democrats say it has enough support to pass the House - and that they expect Republicans to sign on to it. 

WNU Editor: Curious to know if there will be any Republicans who would vote for this motion. Or any Democrats opposing this motion. But I do know one thing. This impeachment drive is only going to further divide the country and stoke tensions for a very long time. 

 More News On US Democrats Introducing One Impeachment Article Accusing President Donald Trump Of 'Incitement To Insurrection' 


Anonymous said...

Democrats are going for the full court press.

‘A Terrorist is a Terrorist’ – Democrat House Homeland Security Chair Wants GOP Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley on Federal No-Fly List

Democrats have challenged electors 3 times in this century (20 years). That is every time a Republican is elected president.

Republicans do it and they want to jail the Republicans. The world should teach the Democrats a lesson and close their embassies until the Democrats leave the terrible twos and mature to at least the kindergarten level.

Anonymous said...

"... only going to further divide the country and stoke tensions for a very long time."

Democrats have literally done it before.

Democrats are still up to their old tricks. They are using their paramilitary organizations. KKK, OWS, BLM. ANTIFA, ...

Brennan, a high level Democrat, has called for communist style public shaming sessions of people. Brennan is a typical Democrat/Communist.

Jac said...

This impeachment procedure cannot succeed. This is political posturing.
That said, even if Trump were impeached, that would not stop Trump voters from wanting revenge. It may even be worse and achieve the opposite result wanted by the Democrats.
It is a very dangerous path.