Wednesday, February 3, 2021

About Those Bizarre "UFO Patent" Experiments From The U.S. Navy

Warzone/The Drive:
The Navy Finally Speaks Up About Its Bizarre "UFO Patent" Experiments 

The Naval Air Warfare Center has finally given a statement to The War Zone about the patents and experiments of Dr. Salvatore Pais. After reporting on the bizarre saga of the Navy's "UFO" patents by Dr. Salvatore Pais for over a year and a half, The War Zone has finally gotten an on-the-record comment from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, or NAWCAD, about the scientist's seemingly out-of-this-world work and the service's equally strange outright support of it. 

As we reported in our last piece, the science and technology branches of the Naval Aviation Enterprise and NAWCAD took the theories of Dr. Pais seriously enough not just to vouch for them at the highest levels to patent examiners, asserting Chinese advances in similar areas of research and that they were 'operable' in nature, but to also subsequently invest a significant amount of money and time into researching the so-called "Pais Effect." This is a theoretical concept for generating high-intensity electromagnetic fields that could supposedly lead to hypothetical breakthroughs in power generation and advanced propulsion. Specifically, the Navy has now responded to inquiries related to the new documentation we uncovered in our most recent report that shows hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on Pais's High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG) experiments, along with other details related to it.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: According to the US Navy the experiments did not work out. And here I am wanting to believe. :( 

Unless of course the US Navy is lying and the experiments were a smashing success. :)

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