Wednesday, February 3, 2021

New York Times Wants The White House To Appoint A "Reality Czar" To Fight "Misinformation"

Summit News: NY Times Calls For Biden to Appoint “Reality Czar” to Fight “Misinformation” 

Here comes the Ministry of Truth. 

The New York Times has amplified claims by “experts” who are calling for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar,” prompting critics to compare the idea to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984. 

In an article entitled ‘How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis’, the NYT’s Kevin Roose cites “experts” who are calling on “the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a “reality czar.” 

The job of this “reality czar” would be to head up “a centralized task force could coordinate a single, strategic response” to things like COVID-related and election fraud “conspiracy theories.” 

WNU Editor: Growing up in the Soviet Union we had something like that but we called it the "propaganda czar".


Anonymous said...

Maybe the NY times could try verifying their sources perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time to distinguish between an opinion piece written and appearing in the NY Times and a statement of what the NY Times "wants," which would be on their editorial page. The attempt here to make the paper conform to what YOU do not like tells us more about you than about the paper, which did NOT take that position.

Anonymous said...

Opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect overall on a newspaper.

In this case it does reflect on the New York Times.

There are the stories they omitted.

There is the ranking of these stories are not omitted, but are not given their due in the way they are billed. Like ranking stories by race and not by body count.

There are themed series of stories that if the colors were reversed, there would be cries of racism.

The day is coming before the next election that the NYT will be analyzed and all their article will be categorized and compared against the all the stories out there. It won't be pretty.

If an editorial page is incessant about a policy position and the newspaper stories are selected, omitted, or slanted based on the policy position, yes the editorial is indicative of the paper and adequately describes its bias.

Face it. The NYT is pure unadulterated shit ran by people unfit to have a real degree or a skilled trade.

Anonymous said...

It was NOT an opinion of the NY Times editorial position on its editorial page. If you think otherwise, cite the page and post a link

G said...

so retarded look truth is inside of all man if u dont feel it 2 bad

Anonymous said...

Know nothing--

When the editorial board gets into trouble from its employees due to running an editorial from a conservative elected politician, the newspaper generally runs wall to wall leftwinger editorials and the editorial board has always written leftwing editorials, then R squared is .9 to .97, if not 1.0

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep lying?

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep lying?

Anonymous said...

You'll have to do better than that.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to do better than that.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

James said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Not good enough, keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Not good enough, keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Keep trying

Anonymous said...

Keep trying