Friday, February 12, 2021

Biden Administration Launches Review To Close The Military Prison At Guantanamo Bay

How it is now: This is the current military prison at Guantanamo Bay where detainees from the war on terror are held 

 * Biden administration orders formal review of the future of the high-security prison at the military base in Cuba
 * Just 40 detainees are held there but they include alleged 9/11 architect Khalid Shaikh Mohammad who is still awaiting trial
 * Review could lead to closure plan within weeks or months but it is unlikely closure would happen quickly after that
 * Biden said on campaign trail he wanted to close the facility but did not advance a concrete plan; Obama's attempts to close it failed
 * Trump said he would 'load it up with bad dudes' but in fact added no new detainees 

The Biden administration has launched a formal review of the future of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay with the goal of closing the controversial facility in Cuba, a White House official said on Friday. 

Aides involved in internal discussions are considering an executive action to be signed by President Joe Biden in coming weeks or months, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters, signaling a new effort to remove what human rights advocates have called a stain on America's global image. 

WNU Editor: Progressives and many in the Democrat Party have been pushing for the closing of the military prison at Guantanamo Prison for years. With control of the US government, it looks like they are going to be successful this time.


Anonymous said...

So where do the "detainees" go? Time served?

Anonymous said...

Who wants the "detainees" ?

Which country would take Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

The boy king had to bribe countries in the past to take these misogynists. How much would it cost for them to take a lightening rod king pin?

If they let them loose in the U.S., it would not be in The Hamptons or Marthas Vinyard, where Bambam of the stinkies resides. No, they would try to sluff them off in a red community in a red state.

Anonymous said...

Can we get the space laser involved at some level? Those blue beams can do wonders.

Anonymous said...

"the rabble making the usual stupid comments"

If it was such a stupid comment, then how come your comment in reply did not have your name?

The argument was never we have to keep them in Cuba, because we do not have holding facilities in the US.

The argument was as soon as they were American soil, liberals would spoil themselves in a sue-a-thon to give the prisoners rights and eventually free them.

You had better hope it takes more than 3 years to bring them to trial.

copley7 said...


Obama and Holder failed and this Biden crowd is made up of allot of Obama retreads and has beens (2nd and 3rd rate) and no one wants these terrorists in their prison system or state.