Friday, February 12, 2021

Two Million Children In Yemen Facing Hunger Or Starvation In 2021

A three-month-old baby is treated for severe acute malnutrition at the UNICEF-suppported Al-Sabeen Hospital in Sana’a, Yemen. © UNICEF/Ahmed Haleem 

Over a million pregnant or breastfeeding women also expected to suffer from extreme malnutrition this year

About 400,000 children under the age of five are in danger of dying of acute malnutrition in war-torn and impoverished Yemen, UN agencies warned on Friday. 

The agencies said half of those in the most vulnerable age bracket - or 2.3 million small children - are projected to suffer from severe malnutrition this year. 

Read more .... 

 More News On A UN Report That Says Two Million Children In Yemen Are Facing Hunger Or Starvation In 2021 


Anonymous said...

What does hunger mean?

Seriously. What does it mean?

Does it have a technical definition significantly different than starvation?

Why does not the UN send an army?

It they cannot or will not, why does not the UN literally starve Yemen?

If 1 million Yemenis starve in a year and will for the next 5 years all the while the UN sends twice the food needed, maybe the Un should stop all free shipments and starve the Houthi government by not sending free food. The free food is used by the Houthi government to prolong starvation.

In short starving the Houthis government would in a 5 or 10 year people lead to fewer deaths by starvation.

Anonymous said...

Hunger or chronic undernourishment exists when "caloric intake is below the minimum dietary energy requirement (MDER). The MDER is the amount of energy needed to perform light activity and to maintain a minimum acceptable weight for attained height."[2] The FAO use different MDER thresholds for different countries, due to variations in climate and cultural factors. Typically a yearly "balance sheet" approach is used, with the minimum dietary energy requirement tallied against the estimated total calories consumed over the year. The FAO definitions differentiate hunger from malnutrition and food insecurity

So the UN has a quantitative, measurable definition. Big Whup.

Why should anyone care about hunger, when they obviously do not care about starvation?

The goings on of Yemen begs the question.

Why are not the Houthi leaders before the Hague or named by the ICJ?

Is that only for white or black people of poor or small countries?

Anonymous said...

Allah's blessed will?