Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Canada's Intelligence Agency Says China Poses A Serious Strategic Threat


OTTAWA (Reuters) - China poses a serious strategic threat to Canada, both through attempts to steal secrets and a campaign to intimidate the Chinese community, the head of Canada’s spy agency said on Tuesday in a rare public appearance. 

The remarks by Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director David Vigneault mark the second time in a few months that Ottawa - mired in a broad diplomatic and trade dispute with Beijing - has identified China as a problem actor. 

Vigneault told an online forum that hostile activity by state actors seeking among other things to purloin business secrets and sensitive data “represents a significant danger to Canada’s prosperity and sovereignty” and singled out China. 

WNU Editor: Huawei was built on technology theft from Canada's Nortel .... Exclusive: Did Huawei bring down Nortel? Corporate espionage, theft, and the parallel rise and fall of two telecom giants (National Post). 

 More News On Canada's Intelligence Agency Saying China Poses A Serious Strategic Threat 


Anonymous said...

Skippy Trudeau is not going to be happy about this. How dare anyone speak out against his CCP bosses.

Anonymous said...

Too bad hunter has already been paid for the next 4 years.