Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Iran's Foreign Affairs Minister Is Heard Saying In A Secret Recording That It Is Possible That Flight 752 May Have Been Intentionally Shot Down


Former UN prosecutor calls the recording 'highly significant' new evidence 

The Canadian government and security agencies are reviewing an audio recording in which a man — identified by sources as Iran's foreign affairs minister — discusses the possibility that the destruction of Flight PS752 was an intentional act, CBC News has learned.

The individual, identified by sources as Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif, is heard saying on the recording that there are a "thousand possibilities" to explain the downing of the jet, including a deliberate attack involving two or three "infiltrators" — a scenario he said was "not at all unlikely." 

He is also heard saying the truth will never be revealed by the highest levels of Iran's government and military. 

WNU Editor: I do not speak Persian, but it does sound like Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif. We also do not know when this recording was made .... before the Iranian government admitted that it shot down the Ukrainian passenger jet, or after. But his admission that "the truth will never be revealed by the highest levels of Iran's government and military" is probably spot on.


Caecus said...

Routing civilian aircraft over failed/rogue states and warzones is never a good idea

Anonymous said...

Just as the truth about the international csbal that worked on gain of function research in the Wuhan lab thar killed millions and destroyed trillions in USD weil never be revealed

Hint:those people that get promoted on the dead bodies of millions. ..those people. .are your enemy