Friday, February 12, 2021

Democrats Openly Talking About Invoking The 14th Amendment to Ban Former President Trump From Running For Office For Life

Article of impeachment against former president Trump delivered to Senate, Feb. 2, 2021. 

Virginia's Sen. Tim Kaine has been at the forefront of the 14th Amendment push 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Thursday did not rule out bringing legislation to bar former President Donald Trump from office if he is not convicted at the ongoing Senate impeachment trial. 

Democratic senators have discussed in recent weeks that if they cannot secure the 67 votes needed to convict Trump -- and bar him from holding office in a subsequent simple-majority vote -- that they might invoke the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to do the same. 

Schumer, D-N.Y., was asked about the possibility in a press conference ahead of the impeachment trial proceedings Thursday. "We're first going to finish the impeachment trial and then Democrats will get together and discuss where we go next," Schumer replied. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This is how nations like Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and others handle political leaders that they do not want to run for office. They pass a bill banning them for life. 

But no one should be surprised that the Democrats now want to dictate to the opposition party on who should be their next Presidential candidate in 2024. And they will have bipartisan support. 

The Democrats and many establishment Republicans do not want former President Trump to run for office again. They know too well that if the economy does not improve and the social unrest continues, coupled with the pandemic that some health experts are now predicting may be with us for years, there is then a very real possibility that President Trump may run again. With a base of 75 million people who voted for him 2020, they know too well that anything will then be possible.


Anonymous said...

“We are not in favor of giving a vote to the negro, because we believe that he is not fit to enjoy that right,”

- Democrat Senator Thurman

Democrats still do not want Black people voting. They only appear to let them vote if only if their votes can safely be put in the D column.

Anonymous said...

And pelosi will plant a diamond laced gold pen in a pile of covid bodies when they finally achieve their objective. Absolute unquestionable power.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats are obsessed with removing President Trump from an office he no longer holds, but their only precedent for that is the impeachment of Belknap, Grant’s Secretary of War, who was tried and acquitted by the Senate after leaving office."

Democrats are obsessed.

Now, there is a truism.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP FUCKED UP State Department Declassified a Report About Cuba’s ‘Sonic Weapon’

Anonymous said...

Fweddie (2:32) is off topic.

If it happened on Trump's watch, then Pelosi should pay. It is her fault. She ran the circus.

Anonymous said...

surprised nitwit anon (the first one) did not go back to Columbus
I assume you did not do well in school if you make comments that silly
want to play back in the past? It was LBJ who ended segregation in the South

Anonymous said...

It is you who is silly. LBJ road the coattails of JFK's assassination to push for the end of segregation, but it was Republican senators who made it happen. I'll play in the past with you alllll day long Lapides.