Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Former President Trump Is On The Path To Be Acquitted

U.S. President Trump (Reuters) 

Rand Paul engineered a strategy that put all but six GOP senators on the record saying former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is unconstitutional. 

Rand Paul engineered a strategy that put all but six GOP senators on the record saying former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is unconstitutional. 

And even after visceral new footage of the Jan. 6 insurrection rattled fellow Republicans, he’s feeling pretty good about Trump’s whip count. “There will be at least 44. Or more. I think we might get one or two back on acquittal,” Paul (R-Ky.) said in an interview. 

“Everybody objects to that violence. Everybody is horrified by that violence. But the question is: Did the president incite that?” 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This will be a political vote not a "conscience vote" .... McConnell Signals Trump Conviction Is a GOP Conscience Vote (Bloomberg). 

And when I read that many establishment Republicans now want to form a third party because the base will not support them, that tells me that these establishment Republicans know that their days are probably numbered within the party .... Exclusive: Dozens of former Republican officials in talks to form anti-Trump third party (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

My congressman is trying to triangulate. Triangulation was made famous during the Clinton admin by Dick Morris.

His Da Da came out against Trump, while he said nothing or voiced lukewarm support.

I can't help but think of the last guy as Conradin and the congressman as form a noble family.

I will not support the establishment Republican guys at the voting booth or with political contributions. Their hiring of political consultants like Weaver is reason enough to drop all support.

It is rich that people complain about Trump being divorced, when consultants like Weaver has a casting couch and "Republican" establishment leaders hire him.

Anonymous said...

In other words, they've been discovered by voters to be essentially part of the same group of globalists as is on the other side of the aisle. But rather than mend and adjust their ways to match those of the voters, they want to abandon what little they have in common with them. The Republican party, as it stands today, is a bad joke. The "Trump party" is much less about Trump than it is about a party that has abandoned its roots and betrayed its base. Can't happen soon enough, good riddance. Forming a third party will virtually guarantee their irrelevance.

fazman said...

Can you please play blm violence , that's where the moneys at

Anonymous said...

Biden gets 62% approval in CNBC economic survey, topping first ratings of the last four presidents

Anonymous said...

7:38 aka Frederick R. Lapides cannot give us the poll internals.

Frederico cannot tell us how many Republicans, Democrats, Moderates or In dependents were in the sample?

Why is that?

Frederico cannot tell us us how to unbias an estimator. They teach that in statistics.

I think Frederico likes the biased stats he consumes.