Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Israeli Cabinet Minister Says US Will Never Attack a 'Nuclear Iran'. Israel May Have to Act Alone

Tzachi Hanegbi, who is now Israel's settlement affairs minister, attends a meeting at the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, January 31, 2018. © REUTERS / FRANCOIS LENOIR 

Tzachi Hanegbi, a close ally of Netanyahu, says in the future there ‘may be no choice’ other than an Israeli strike to prevent a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic 

A Likud minister close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday the US will never attack Iran’s nuclear program, and Israel will have to decide whether to launch such a strike alone or come to terms with a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic. 

The statement came as tensions heated in the Middle East, with Iran ramping up its nuclear program with ongoing violations of its 2015 deal with world powers, and the US and Israel issuing threats and warnings. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Would a Biden administration attack Iran's nuclear facilities to prevent a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic? I doubt it. In the meantime Iran continues to expand its nuclear facilities .... Iran deepens breach of nuclear deal at underground enrichment site (Reuters).


Amp1776 said...

Godspeed Israel.

RussInSoCal said...

Not Just Israel. Count in SA and UAE.

Iran to Biden: "JUMP!"
Biden to Iran: "How high?"

Anonymous said...

How is Biden going to jump? They guy is on a glide slope. Have you seen how spindly his legs look? They look positively atrophied compared to his torso.

Anonymous said...

Remembering that if they do, it will be their third Nuclear programme (with designs on targeting Israel specifically) they have taken out in the region.

I believe 100% that if they say they will, they will do just that - with or without the USA.

And so they should...