Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It Was Radio Traffic That Alerted US Intelligence That Chinese Bomber Pilots Were Simulating A Missile Strike On The US Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt In The South China Sea Last Week


Sputnik: Intel Reportedly Picks Up Radio Chatter of Chinese Bomber Pilots Simulating Strike on US Carrier 

Last week, US Indo-Pacific Command announced that a Navy carrier strike group led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt had entered the South China Sea for “routine operations”. 

The move was followed immediately thereafter by China deploying bombers, fighters, and an anti-submarine warfare turboprop for drills off Taiwan. 

Last weekend’s Chinese air drills southwest of Taiwan appear to have been a direct response to the arrival of the US carrier group in the region, with radio chatter collected by the US and its allies indicating that Chinese bomber pilots had been given orders to simulate an attack run on the 88,000 tonne carrier using anti-ship missiles, FT reports, citing sources said to be ‘familiar with intelligence’. 

WNU Editor: The U.S. Navy now knows how the Chinese military are going to attack their aircraft carrier strike groups.


Anonymous said...

If the DF-21D is so good, why do they need bombers?

"The latest DF-21D was said to be the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). The DF-21 has also been developed into a space-capable anti-satellite weapon /anti-missile weapon carrier."

G said...

its allways good to shoot first all at the 00009 hrs xxxooo999666333xxxbnm