Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Should The U.S. And Japan Prepare For War With China?

US Navy 

Last week, China toughened its language against Taiwan, warning that “independence means war.” A few days prior, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry reported 15 aircraft from the Chinese air force inside its air defense identification zone. This uptick in saber-rattling suggests the military challenge posed by China will likely continue, making it one of the Biden administration’s top priorities. Unlike the Trump administration, with its transactional approach to alliances, the Biden administration may find U.S. interests can be best served through strategic engagement with its allies, on this issue as elsewhere. In particular, part of the military challenge posed by China might be answered by turning to its longtime ally Japan and firming up one of the most intrinsic aspects of the United States-Japan alliance: warfighting. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The Chinese have been preparing for war .... Chinese Military Told To Prepare For War (January 1, 2019).


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden: Climate change is 'number one issue facing ...

"California has the least reliable electrical power system in the nation. Between 2008 and 2017, California was the leading U.S. state for individual power outages with almost 4,297 blackouts in the ten-year period,"

"California energy policies have made the state’s electricity and fuel prices among the highest in the nation which have been contributory to the rapid growth of “energy poverty” for most Californians including the 18 million (45 percent of the 40 million Californians) that represent the Hispanic and African American populations of the state.

Why does Biden want to clone California for the other 49 states?"

Joe Biden cares more about keeping Black and Hispanic Americans in energy poverty than meeting the Chinese threat.

Plus Biden has more immediate concerns such as this weird pressure on his prostrate when in public, when his puppet master is around.

Anonymous said...

Look at those two ships. Why has America’s fleet looked like rust buckets? A fleet that badly maintained is not equipped to fight a peer. Having a clean ship doesn’t mean it’s a good war fighter but having a badly maintained ship certainly does.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but we won't!

Anonymous said...

10:51 is a sailor?

You can get that much corrosion in one 3 to 6 month period. The ship could be painted twice a year and you could still get a picture like that.

Anonymous said...

10:46 a good example of the morons who voted and continue to support Trump. Biden has done a zillion things in two weeks, without playing golf, and is clearly able to do what is essential in its proper time.
If you are so worried about our national defense, join up

Anonymous said...

Biden did not do a zillion things. His handlers did a zillion things. They merely out things back they way they were under the boy king.

Biden could not golf 18 holes. He could not gold even 9 holes. Joe Joe could finish a putt putt golf course only if Jill was holding him upright with both hands and Obama applied pressure to his prostrate just right.

If you think inducing energy poverty. printing money, letting lose Jimmy Cater inflation is the right thing in the proper time, then you are correct.

I have already served for decades. Should I do more? What have you done except support rapists, child molesters, grifters and thugs?

Why do you support Joe? Why do you support rapists? Why do you hate women?

Joe "Plugs" Biden simply refuses to deport illegal aliens convicted of rape. He is sitting on principle. Not sure whose lap that dummy is sitting on, but there it is.

Chase jones said...

China joe is a fake president.

Anonymous said...

China joe is an usurper.

Anonymous said...

ICE Raid to Arrest Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Cancelled at Last Minute

Pro-BIDEN people are pro-RAPE

Anonymous said...

In the old days sailors used to maintain the ships while underway, including painting and rust removal. From readings it seems the ships crews are actually to small these days to propery do that anymore.

As for war with China I don't see it. However an accident such as a bumping, ramming, mistake of some sort could lead to a shooting situation.

Recall back in April 2001 when a hotshot Chinese pilot bumped one of our recon planes. Plane crashed, pilot died. Our plane made an emergency landingin China. 20 years on I could see that lading to a shooting war.

Anonymous said...

In the old days before OSHA and the EPA.

In reality the EPA regulations are more onerous than OSHA. For corrosion control you would need particulate and a vapor masks. Then there is damage to a person from vibration.

With eh EPA controls I would never ever try to paint a ship while at sea. Ever!

There is also the time element. How many evolutions do these sailors go thru in a day? Do sailors have any time after SHARPS, antiracism, and critical race theory training? What next? Mandatory group orgies to show that the sailors are not anti-LGBTQIA+ ?

Anonymous said...

Needle Scaler>>> REYNAUD'S Syndrome
