Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Thousands Of U.S. Service Members Are Saying No To The COVID-19 Vaccine


(CNN)One-third of US military service members eligible to receive a Covid-19 vaccination have opted not to, defense officials said Monday as they announced the Department of Defense is nearing 1 million vaccinations delivered. 

Cautioning that it's still "very early data," Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro, vice director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday, "The vaccine is the right thing to do, it's clearly safe for service members." 

The percentage of those who have decided not to receive a vaccine mirrors the acceptance rate across the United States, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday. 

The one-third estimate is the first time that the department has said publicly how many service members have declined to be vaccinated. 

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 More News On U.S. Service Members Saying No To The COVID-19 Vaccine 


RussInSoCal said...

I went through Great Lakes RTC in 1986-87. During boot camp we all received multiple vaccinations. All were administered without much dignity and one in particular hurt like hell and made us all sick. There was never an option. You received the vaccines. Period.

This news of one third of US active duty troops simply saying "no thanks" to the Covid vaccination strikes me as a little strange.

Anonymous said...

There have been a lot of reports of side effects outside of mainstream media and big tech platforms. Now Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg changes his position in a leaked video and admits that long term effects of these RNA vaccines are unknown. Previously he banned everyone pretty much saying that.
The danger of prohibiting speech.
Arguably trillions in damages.