Wednesday, February 17, 2021

UN Report Says The Top Leadership Of Al Qaeda Is Still Under Taliban Protection

NBC: Taliban keep close ties with Al Qaeda despite promise to U.S. 

"We believe that the top leadership of Al Qaeda is still under Taliban protection," said the head of the U.N. panel that tracks terrorist groups in Afghanistan. 

WASHINGTON — The Afghan Taliban have kept up a close relationship with Al Qaeda despite having pledged to stop cooperating with terrorist groups, permitting the militants to conduct training in Afghanistan and deploy fighters alongside its forces, according to the head of a U.N. panel monitoring the insurgency. 

The Taliban's association with Al Qaeda has continued even though the insurgency signed an agreement with the U.S. a year ago that bans cooperation with or hosting of terrorist groups — and despite a public statement by Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the Taliban had "made the break" with terrorist groups. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The US is saying the same thing that the UN report is saying .... Al-Qaeda 'Gaining Strength' in Afghanistan: US Treasury (TOLO News). 

In the meantime the Taliban are saying there are no Al qaeda fighters in Afghanistan .... Taliban falsely claims: ‘There are no Al Qaeda operatives present in Afghanistan’ (Long War Journal).


Anonymous said...

I'm shocked, shocked I say, they've looked everywhere! Even under Lapide's bed!

Bausaar said...

Welcome to your old new boogeyman to stay in forever wars. In a newsboardmediaroom and some thinktanks these days: You have to keep the people entertained let me pick a boogeymancard out of the deck to keep the wars going, to make our sponsors rich and to keep the people under constant alarm and pressure.

Anonymous said...

Al Qaeda is protected by the Taliban

The Taliban is protected by Pakistan

Pakistan is protected by the Democrat Party elite.

"With the toe bone connected

to the foot bone,

and the foot bone connected

to the ankle bone,

and the ankle bone connected

to the leg bone."

It was at that WNU suggested the best and easiest way to get the Pakistanis not not protect, arm, and suckle the Taliban was by not issuing visas to Pakistani students to study in America and for Pakistani businessmen.

The BIG University and DNC would never stand a small dip in their revenue stream. University Profit comes before solving world violence or world hunger.

Anonymous said...

Who was the president for the past 4 years? and he did? shit
alas, nothing connected to your brain but you still have your thumb up your ass and your mind in neutral

Anonymous said...

Trump was getting us out of war in Afghanistan we were not winning. That is what he did in 4 years.

Obama tried to do it, Trump got a lot closer than Obama

Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal In Speech To Nation

US downsizes its troops in Afghanistan to 2,500

Obama ended his misrule with 8,400 troops in Afghanistan.

2,500 < 8,400

That is unless you are doing Democrat Math.

Obama came into office in 2009 intending to end the Afghan War. Obama never had an intention of winning anywhere against anyone.

Trump would like to win in Afghanistan, but with 15 years in the rear view mirror, he decided it was not worth the blood and treasure. George Bush made a little bit of temporary headway in getting Pakistan rousting the Taliban from their safe areas in Pakistan. Obama did jack shit about those safe areas

IF the Taliban are getting foreign funding and have safe areas, you are not going to win. So in my reasoned opinion there is no good reason to be there.

2.500 < 8,400

2 to 10 America soldiers are going to die by June 30th. Their blood will be on President Kamal's hands.

Anonymous said...

Having fun yet? Hahahahaha!