Wednesday, February 10, 2021

US President Biden Orders Sanctions Against Myanmar Military Leaders


 * Biden speaks at White House to say that he is seizing $1 billion of assets in the U.S. to stop generals who took power from accessing them 
 * Warned that if they do not hand power back to de facto elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi more sanctions will be imposed 
 * His administration planned to identify specific targets of the sanctions later this week, he said 
 * Military deposed Kyi and other politicians and took them into custody on February 2 

President Joe Biden on Wednesday ordered new sanctions against the military regime in Myanmar, taking action after the military this month staged a coup in the Southeast Asian country and arrested de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior politicians.

Biden said he was issuing an executive order that will prevent Myanmar's generals from accessing $1 billion in assets in the United States. Biden added that more measures are to come. 'The military must relinquish power it seized and demonstrate respect for the will of the people of Burma,' Biden said. 

 More News On US President Biden Ordering Sanctions Against Myanmar's Military Leaders 


Anonymous said...

Biden said the order enabled his administration “to immediately sanction the military leaders who directed the coup, their business interests as well as close family members.”

Some "close" family members would be innocent.

In North Korea the assassinated broth of Kin Jong Un was innocent. He was not part of the regime.

"This guilt-by-association system practiced by the North is prohibited under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - a declaration which North Korea also signed. I just hope that North Korea will abolish this horrible practice."

Guilt by association is something the Founding Fathers did not want to continue from England and Europe.

Democrats have brought it back.

It is why they are going after Trump's children.

Many if not most of the children are in the family business. But not all. What of the ones that are in the family business. Where else would they work? Probably in a family business for the best paycheck they can get. That does not make them coup plotters or supporters? What are they suppose to do? Quit their jobs?

If they quit their jobs they would have to be braver than baby Hunter Biden.

What happens if the CCP sanctions baby Hunter? Will Joe and the rest of the Democrats cry foul and cry real tears?

Note: Assad was the the son of military ruler Hafez. He did not work in the family business. Being the younger son, he did not stand to inherit. Btu he was in line and it was a possibility.

Maybe Assad left for London not out of humanitarian principles, but so as to be above suspicion and not a target of his elder brother.

I think we have to be careful targetting family of national leaders. Not that Democrats are careful except in gaining political power nationally and feathering their nests.

Anonymous said...

Biden hates anyone who challenges the establishment. Be it at home or China or Myanmar. You've got an insurrection? Joseph Biden understands and will help.. with Facebook and the military industrial complex. And if the resistance doesn't give up, well then maybe covid camps for them

Anonymous said...

Biden gets 62% approval in CNBC economic survey, topping first ratings of the last four presidents

Anonymous said...

US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies

The country began the pandemic with a degraded public health infrastructure, leading to more deaths than other high-income countries

Anonymous said...

There has only been ~125,000 COVID deaths.

For flu deaths they culture cells and verify. For COVID they shifted to a new 'standard' that is loosey goosey like some people's asses.

"The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza at clinical laboratories is 0.1% this week."

They are not doing the same with COVID as with influenza.

Anonymous said...

Some person with a very loose ass quoted the Gourdian.