Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Veteran Submariners Explain What Might Have Caused A Cargo Ship And A Japanese Submarine To Collide


Despite all the technology at their disposal, for a submarine crew, the simple act of surfacing can sometimes be fraught with danger. 

Since our initial report on the collision between the Japanese submarine Soryu and a cargo ship in the Pacific Ocean yesterday, The War Zone has heard a number of interesting theories as to what happened, including from veteran submariners. To get a better understanding of what might have gone wrong during this routine exercise in the waters off the island of Shikoku, we spoke to a former U.S. Navy officer who served aboard submarines extensively and who also worked as a navigation safety instructor. We also asked the opinion of our friend and contributor, Aaron Amick, a veteran sonarman with two decades of experience aboard U.S. Navy submarines. 

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WNU Editor: My gut tells me that the crew aboard the Japanese submarine Soryu are very lucky that only 3 sailors were slightly injured.


Anonymous said...

Not much in the way of creature comforts, I'll bet. But look at a photo of inside a sub and they ain't much padding.

Anonymous said...

Proof of driver's license and insurance, please.