Friday, February 12, 2021

Were The Capital Rioters Close To Seizing The Nuclear 'Football' From Vice President Pence?

Photo illustration by Slate. Capitol security footage via NBC News. 

The video of Mike Pence shown during the impeachment revealed something startling about the nuclear chain of command. 

Among the many startling videos shown at Wednesday’s impeachment trial documenting the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, there was one clip that was so brief, subtle, and beside the immediate point that the House managers didn’t highlight it—but it was nevertheless hugely enlightening. It revealed that, like the president, the vice president is routinely escorted by a military aide who carries a satchel containing the codes that allow him to launch a nuclear attack. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: A lot of speculation in the above post. But having the Vice-President being followed by a military aide with the nuclear football is not a surprise. This blog has covered it before. 

As for the House Speaker being followed by a military aide with the nuclear football. In the all years of seeing the House Speaker (Ryan/Pelosi) in videos where they are in public, I have never seen a military aide near him or her.

Update: Military officials were unaware of potential danger to Pence's 'nuclear football' during Capitol riot (CNN)


Anonymous said...

There is an impeachment going on.

This is the way that the MSM, a house organ of the DNC, "pumps up the volume".

Dave Goldstein said...

The military aide that carries the foorball is armed. He would fought till the end. It would have been messy


Former President Donald Trump “won’t live down his disgraceful conduct,” the Wall Street Journal declared in a damning editorial on Thursday.

Trump’s legacy “will be forever stained” by the deadly violence that rocked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and “by his betrayal of his supporters in refusing to tell them the truth” about his 2020 election loss in the weeks leading up to the insurrection, said the newspaper’s conservative editorial board.

And “whatever the result” of the ongoing Senate impeachment trial for inciting the riot, “Republicans should remember the betrayal if Mr. Trump decides to run again in 2024,” the editorial urged.

The editorial recalled some of Trump’s election fraud rhetoric in the run-up to the vote and beyond. It suggested it was “difficult to think” Trump “ever envisioned what followed.”

“But talk about playing with fire,” the board added, noting how Trump for hours refused to attempt to defuse the violence, after saying he’d walk to the Capitol with his supporters, but instead watched the chaotic scenes on television at the White House.

There was “no defense” for his conduct “on Jan. 6 and before.”

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides or someone pretending to be him commented at 2:35 PM

NOOT GANGRENE <> Newt Gingrich

Such clever rhyming by an English PhD.

Or not.

Probably copied the epitaph from a radical liberal rag. PhD is not known for being innovative.