Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Will The New York Stock Exchange Leave New York?


The New York Stock Exchange warned Tuesday that it may leave the state if the legislature imposes a tax on stock transfers, escalating a fight with Democrats who argue the move would help address a historic budget shortfall. 


 * “If Albany lawmakers get their way. . . the center of the global financial industry may need to find a new home,” NYSE President Stacey Cunningham wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. Last Wednesday, Cunningham and more than 25 other representatives of the securities industry wrote to state legislative leaders to caution against a proposal to place a tax on certain financial transactions, including from investment banks and hedge funds. 

 * The tax proposal, which would apply to transfers of stocks, bonds, and derivatives, comes as Albany faces a sharp decline in revenue because of the coronavirus pandemic. 

 * Democrats behind the bill said it would help make up for lost revenue and denied that the NYSE would need to move if it were passed.

WNU Editor: I do not understand why people/companies/and organizations with wealth are staying in states like New York, New Jersey, California, etc.. There is a massive anti-business/anti-capital sentiment in these state houses, and there are no signs that it will get better.


Anonymous said...

I think it would be fitting if they moved NYSE to Vegas, a perfect fit...

Dave Goldstein said...

I like that, lots of room, no taxes.