Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Russian Air Force Experts Publish Plan To Launch A Pre-Emptive ‘Intimidation’ Strike Against U.S. And NATO Targets

A long-range Tu-22M3 bomber strikes targets of the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria. © Sputnik / Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 

A war between Moscow and the West might start on the ground, but it would be settled in the air. 

That’s the verdict of two top Russian military strategists, published in a new analysis of how a putative conflict might play out. 

Writing in a new edition of the Air and Space Forces Journal, two associate professors at Russia’s pilot-training academy set out how any invasion launched against the country by NATO allies would depend on a massive aerial bombardment with warplanes and missiles.

Vladilen Stuchinsky and Mikhail Korolkov say, however, that the approach isn’t foolproof. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: These aviation professors are dreaming. Such a plan would quickly escalate into a nuclear exchange.


Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourselves

China virus has shown that even after 30 TRILLION(!!!) Damages to the world and 2+million direct deaths, NO ONE is calling for anything against China

Boy that sure showed the Chinese. They will certainly not do it again. All that profit they made. What a horrific shock to their system. All that money flowing to China

Surely they won't do it again. The West stood up to China now or when they stole 10-20 trillion prior to that

Realise this: the Russians might be on to something as the west showed how weak they are. No response to China. No response to threats of north Korea. Nothing.
So why wouldn't the Russians be right?

If we accept devastated economies, far worse than during any declared war, why would we use nukes if a few military installations are bombed?


and we won't in the future. It's not us who run the show. It's people like Fauci. He still gets his 400k+yearly salary, the highest paid government official. He funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab. No consequences. Falling upwards. He might just be president next, considering how many people he and his research and advice killed.


kidd said...

U live by the gun then die by the gun

kidd said...

U r the temple of the king u fool's

kidd said...

Don't blow ur mind with reality

kidd said...

U fool's

kidd said...

Live with the sunrise 🌄

kidd said...

Then take a 😴

kidd said...

Around 1:00 pm

Anonymous said...

Thank you for changing my life, kidd.

Anonymous said...

I agree, kidd is onto something and I've lived that life. Can recommend.

Problem is the others. The people who murder you so they can have a bigger boat or pool or whatever they lust for. They don't care about a sun rise or what a night sky looks like. They live to make money and propagate their religion, which is materialism.

They will kill you
They have killed you

Learn from it. That's my advice.
If you let a neighbour get away with poisoning your grand parents, after they took your money and called you names,they will kill you next, it is what they do.

Just like you and I want to sleep and enjoy the sunrise, they enjoy controlling you, taking from you and enriching themselves.

The reason why we thousands of nukes and tens of billions of rounds and millions of bombs is because we're a mentally sick species in which some of us want to dominate others and the ones who just want to be left alone are stolen from to finance this monstrosity of death around the clock.