Thursday, March 18, 2021

Afghanistan Peace Conference Opens In Moscow

Mullah Baradar (center), the Taliban's deputy leader and chief negotiator, arrives at the Moscow conference on March 18. 

Representatives of the Afghan government, the Taliban, and several major countries have gathered in Moscow to push for a reduction in violence to advance the peace process in Afghanistan. 

"We hope that today's conversation will help create conditions for achieving progressive inter-Afghan negotiations," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on March 18 in his opening remarks at the meeting -- the first of three planned international conferences ahead of a May 1 deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops from the country. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have zero expectations from this summit. 

 More News On The Afghan Peace Conference In Moscow 


Anonymous said...

Battle hardened warriors those

I bet they have callouses, where the pencil nib presses against their finger.

They have missed a couple of meals too, by the looks of 'em.

Crusader said...

Looks like they dressed up for it.

Anonymous said...

The Farside always leads me astray when seeing photos like this....