Thursday, March 18, 2021

Top US And Chinese Diplomats To Meet In Alaska Later Today


Tensions are running high as Biden cabinet officials prepare to meet with the Chinese in Alaska on Thursday, setting the stage for what is likely to be a contentious first high-level engagement between the new administration and Beijing. 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan will huddle for the first time face-to-face with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi and top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi in Anchorage in what Biden administration officials expect to be a “one-off” meeting. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This Chinese ambassador is voicing what everyone else is thinking .... China's ambassador to US says he doesn't have 'high expectations' for Alaska summit with Biden officials (CNN). 

 More News On Top US And Chinese Diplomats Meeting In Alaska Later Today 


Anonymous said...

Blinken is as fake as his purported boss.

It’s not possible that the White House is faking Biden press moments, is it?

Jesus could walk on water. Joe Biden did one better. He passed his hand through a solid microphone!

kidd said...

Don't trying 2 rules the earth u fool's

Anonymous said...

Biden just gave talk on vaccines and he was dynamic and to the point and scored important points...while you were waking in shitter

kidd said...

Put if u trying then go to hell all of u

kidd said...

Keep ur materialize think ing out u fool's

kidd said...

We r all holy bings see

kidd said...

Keep life the Will of God or u b sorry forever and ever

kidd said...

Disembodied Spirit u fool's

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lapides at 3:40 PM

At least Fred is sparing us the +Can't we all get along" speech about "name calling" after calls us names.

You never told us how many takes over how many days it took and how much was deep faked.

I figured they get rid of Joe after 100 days and blizzard of Democrat EOs

Now it look like they want to make it look good, so they are shooting for stroke/heart attack before or after midterms. If it is before they will be to tug on heart strings. If it is after it will be to fool midterm voters and to give Kamala over a year of incumbency under her belt.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to that July 4th barbecue aren't you Lapides? You take those "pictures" from the mantle and put them around the table for company!

Anonymous said...

hi girls! welcome back from day care

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the bed you made liar?

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the bed you made liar?

Anonymous said...

Trump was a Russian asset, new Intelligence Community report shows.

Anonymous said...

Lapides troll.

Let's assume your bullshit is true.

It would be a first that "asset" built up the military of a defense of the country he was suppose to harm.

Also Trump was making it possible for the Us to reorganize from fighting "colonial"
brush wars to peers vs peer wars.

If there is a general war, you know what those boys and girls at Bagram become?

Task Force Smith (an arrogant show of force)

Apologize Lapides.

Anonymous said...

"Derkach peddled audio recordings that were edited to make Biden look corrupt"


Biden is in fact corrupt. Russia could fall off the face of the earth tomorrow and Biden would be corrupt.

Ditto Ukraine and China.

It is Biden's way.

It also the Pelosi, Kamala and Feinstein way.

Anonymous said...

Biden popularity, two months into office: 60% American public
Trump: 4 years in office: under 50%
Biden won White House, Senate, House
Trump: tired of winning? like my health plan and infrastructure and the way I took care of Coronavirus?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7 days before the next virtual (?) performance by the leperchan of Delaware and willing Democrat operatives with press credentials