Major Daniel Walker shares his story with 60 Minutes contributor David Martin.
This Sunday on 60 Minutes, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reported on allegations of racial bias in the United States military. It has been more than 70 years since the integration of the American armed services, but African American members say they are not promoted as often as their White counterparts. From the rank and file to officers, some Black servicemembers find it difficult to succeed.
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WNU Editor: As an outsider looking at the US Air Force. I see a U.S. Defense Secretary who is black (Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III), and the Chief of Staff of the Air force who is also black (Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. is Chief of Staff of the Air Force). To me that is an accomplishment and a sign of how the times are changing. But apparently not, according to Major Daniel Walker.
I wonder how much money the US has paid training Major Daniel Walker? Over $1 million I am certain, and yet the major is not satisfied. He has brought discredit upon the USAF and should be discharged immediately.
up yours whitey
When 1/2 the officers wives clubs can be minority. There is a lot of discriminating going on ... for it. And obviously white officers are marrying minorities
I call Bullshitr!
Walker is a Blue Falcon
Maybe Walker was not invited to an off duty party. Maybe it is because he is black or maybe it is because he is a dick. It is the latter. What I learned in high school is that jocks never hesitated to party with anyone from any school.
Maybe Walker wanted a blond trophy and he did not get it, because he has no game or comes across as phony.
maybe this and maybe that
he is right or at least based on my awareness of our military when I served
You served 70 years ago. Your major accomplishment in service was to ensure a fellow soldier was afflicted with venereal disease.
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