Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gallup Poll: More Americans Than Ever View China As The Greatest Enemy

Gallup: New High in Perceptions of China as U.S.'s Greatest Enemy

 * China now seen as U.S.'s greatest enemy 
 * Half of Americans believe China is world's leading economic power 
 * Record 63% say economic power of China is critical threat to U.S. 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty-five percent of Americans now say China is the greatest enemy of the U.S., more than double the percentage who said so in 2020. That year, Americans were equally as likely to say either China or Russia was the U.S.'s greatest enemy. The current shift coincided with a period when the global economy and human activity were severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in China. 

The Feb. 3-18 poll also finds favorable views of China among U.S. adults falling for the second straight year, putting the figure at a historically low 20%. 

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WNU Editor: I am surprised that only 45% see China as the greatest enemy (I expected a much higher number). I am not surprised that 50% of Americans see China as the dominant economic power in the world today, and 63% see China as an economic threat. 

My prediction is that these numbers are going to go higher. 

One more big surprise in this poll. Americans do not see Iran as a threat (only 4%).


Anonymous said...

How to understand this?

Do not underestimate the power of a dishonest press to shape public opinion.

Trump Responds to Washington Post's Fake Quotes Scandal

I kind of thought that maybe Trump said something or said something that could be misconstrued. I thought they might have him. The asinine troll the pretends to have a high degree thought so and beat its pigeon breasted chest. I forgot after 2 or 3 weeks.

Now, we find out that a newspaper, not just any newspaper, but a newspaper of record for the nation just freaking lied. Period.

The Alphabet news networks, MSNBC, CNN and the major newspapers are nothing but a branch of the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

What???? China? Harmless China??

CNN and the Democrats have told me for years to embrace a rising China. That we should all travel to and invest in China. Heck, Pelosi told me to go dance in San Francisco 's Chinatown at the height of the Wuhan virus outbreak and told me not to be a biggot and worry so much and that I'm basically racist for not mingling at the height of an outbreak

So weird how we have a class of globalists who made millions and billions in bonuses,speaking fees and such embracing China and globalist ideas and NOW all of a sudden they talk a good game, 20 years after Trump first warned about China. Go look at his NBC and ABC interviews from the 90s on YouTube. .more than 20 years ago he warned about China and said he'd run on an America first and antilobalist,antichina platform ...and CNN and democrats and all these mediaghouls at the NYTINES and Washington Post of course, owned by globalist multi billionaire Jeff Bezos who is the number one guy who madehis wealth of shipping products made of slave labour in China. ...Nike and Apple too...Disney. ..coca Cola. .they all sell you out....

Democrats are the worst of all. What they do for power. .to push race and gender division on you, weakening you and your culture. ..while shipping off your jobs and destroying your energy sector. ..

Wo do democrats really work for? Joe Biden we have on record getting millions in kickbacks through his son directly from China. And the left media and Democrats actively suppressed this information ahead of the presidential vote. ..suppressed the voter fraud and election manipulation, how the poll watchers were kicked out and intimidated. .

Who do democrats work for? ?