Saturday, March 20, 2021

Growing Fears Of A Fourth Covid Wave In The U.S.


 * COVID cases across the US have started to plateau at around 55,000 per day in recent weeks 
 * Those statistics, along with increased vaccination rates and warmer weather, has led many to believe the end of the pandemic is near 
 * But Fauci fears the US could see another surge of the virus, as has occurred across Europe in recent weeks 
 * He says 'Europe tends to be three or four weeks ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak' and Americans need to be extra vigilant in the month ahead 
 * Some conservative politicians have accused Fauci of fear-mongering and of overemphasizing masks and social distancing in a bid to maintain relevance 
 * On Friday, there were 61,413 new COVID-19 cases recorded across the United States - an increase on the rolling seven-day average 

Dr. Anthony Fauci is warning another COVID surge could be on the horizon of Americans relax their mask-wearing and social distancing. 

The infectious diseases expert, 80, made the claim during an interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC Friday night. 

COVID cases across the US have started to plateau at around 55,000 per day in recent weeks, leading some to speculate that the pandemic is almost over, given the vaccine roll-out and the onset of warmer weather. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and it looks like the province of Ontario is starting a fourth wave. 

 More News On Growing Fears Of A Fourth Wave In The U.S. 


Anonymous said...

"It came from a food market"
---WHO after talking to Chinese officials in an office room for an hour

"I didn't hear your question "
"Oh then let me repeat it"(on Taiwan)
"No that's OK let's move on to the next question", then hangs up Skype connection when pressed on Taiwan
--WHO goon after accepting bribe from China

Never forget.

Sworn enemies of humanity.

Governments and corporations that still follow WHO guidelines and use WHO guidelines to suppress medical information are your sworn enemies.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd wave in the US in August September was small compared to the 1st and 3rd waves.

If there is a 4th wave it will not be as bad as the one in December.

"Changes in lung volume and diaphragm muscle activity at sleep onset in
obese obstructive sleep apnea patients vs. healthy-weight controls"

Add covid, stir, wait 72 hours for best results


It might be as bad as the one in December and happen during the summer. Not normal. Or maybe it is due to population reaching certain size threshold and being a certain fitness or lack of it.

Or maybe it is bio warfare, but the bigwigs doo not want to utter the word or accusation, because then things would necessarily go kinetic.

All those assholes had a meeting in JAN 209202 sold their stock and got in trouble. Is it a bio attack?

fazman said...

Wnu, my friend lives in missasagua, is it bad there?, l havent heard from her (lm in Australia)

Stephen Davenport said...

There are no "waves", never were, more and more pessimistic about western country politicians. All is not what it seems.

Anonymous said...

This is slavery. Politicians have stampeded the population off a buffalo jump. You do not shut down the economy for shortening the life expectancy by 1 to 5 months. I know a retired teacher pushing 80, who is substitute for 3 local school systems. They spent since August subbing for teachers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s hiding out.

This disease predominantly affect elderly. At that it predominantly affect elderly with diabetes, hyper tension or something like that. IF you read the news items on COVID deaths, a reader learns the names of the nursing homes in the are not the daycares, kindergartens or schools. One extremely rarely hears where some one had worked as of the current year or the previous 5 years, because it really does not affect non elderly.

COVID deaths among the under 60 crowd is as phony as a Biden presidency. Yes, there are deaths of those under age 60. Those people tend to have pre-existing conditions. But by and large it is an over 60 or 65 disease. Yes, Joe Biden does have lucid moments, but we are not talking about 12 to 16 hours a day worth of lucid moments.

Face it Joe is not going to take a 3 AM morning phone call and make a decision. No one will call him. Likely Austin would make the call on Joe's behalf.

Anonymous said...

I agree with last anon.

If it pans out that our leaders knowingly destroyed our livelihoods economies and by extent killed our people, we must immediately take them out of office, by force if necessary, as they'd have lost all legitimacy and might be guilty of multiple crimes against humanity.

And every day that passes, every time a cop smashes an unarmed man's face, their legitimacy shrinks and their crimes they committed rises.

Make public lists.
Get public support. Make your case public.

And we will get rid of the guilty.

If the law does no longer protect us, if the state operates in fascist manner, they must be removed.