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National Interest: How Would China Respond to a Biden Pledge to Defend Taiwan?
There is a debate in Washington about whether ending the policy of strategic ambiguity would help or harm deterrence with China.
A top U.S. admiral has warned that China could invade Taiwan in the next six years, sparking renewed concerns over Beijing’s military designs on the island state to its southeast.
“I worry that they’re accelerating their ambitions to supplant the United States and our leadership role in the rules-based international order, which they’ve long said that they want to do that by 2050. I’m worried about them moving that target closer,” said Admiral Phil Davidson at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday. “Taiwan is clearly one of their ambitions before then. And I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact in the next six years.”
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WNU Editor: A President Biden pledge to defend Taiwan is not the issue that concerns China. What concerns China is if this "pledge" will then be used by Taiwan to declare independence. A declaration of independence from Taiwan is China's "red line". That independence declaration will escalate military operations from China exponentially. Even (I predict) having Chinese fighter jets fly over Taiwan that will force Taiwan to respond. And after that .... I can easily see all the worse case scenarios coming into play.
Biden will "pledge" to do nothing of the sort. Biden is not home. T be able to pledge a person needs agency. Biden lacks agency.
pledge plĕj►
n. A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something.
Biden will go on national TV & will say some thing like " If Chile, er I mean China invades Tijuana, the United Arab Emirates erm, I mean the United States of America will at all costs defend er, erm, Tonga. I've instructed my Secretary of Defence... What's his name to etc, etc...." Keep ducking 🙉
Chinese will not take Biden seriously.
Do you think this is just all about Biden?
Don't get me wrong I'm one of those who wanted for four more years.
Biden can't remember his defense secretary. Taiwan? Yeah right.
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