Thursday, March 11, 2021

U.S. Air Force War Game Against China Ended With The U.S. 'Losing Fast'

Yahoo News: 'We're going to lose fast': U.S. Air Force held a war game that started with a Chinese biological attack 

Last fall, the U.S. Air Force simulated a conflict set more than a decade in the future that began with a Chinese biological-weapon attack that swept through U.S. bases and warships in the Indo-Pacific region. Then a major Chinese military exercise was used as cover for the deployment of a massive invasion force. The simulation culminated with Chinese missile strikes raining down on U.S. bases and warships in the region, and a lightning air and amphibious assault on the island of Taiwan. 

The highly classified war game, which has not been previously made public, took place less than a year after the coronavirus, reportedly originating in a Chinese market, spread to the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, taking one of the U.S. Navy’s most significant assets out of commission. 

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WNU Editor: The Chinese military have taken a page out of the Pentagon's playbook. Have overwhelming fire-power. In the event of war, the Chinese will use everything they have to achieve their goals as quickly as possible.


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, vice president whore and shogun Obama are cutting the military again.

Makes sense in a sick, twisted liberal sort of way.

fazman said...

Exactly, committees, meetings, debates, lol.
These war games mean nothing and prove nothing

Anonymous said...

Well fazman, I hope they learned from it so we don't have to depend on the Vietnam War era hero, J.K.

Jac said...

Yes, China is able to get Taiwan. This doesn't mean it will not be costly. On top of that, will the war stop all the sudden? I doubt it and we know how a war starts, nobody knows how it will be finished. Ask Japan and Germany.

Anon said...

Chinese always feels elated whenever they hear evaluations, post neither comments like this. They feel they are on top of world.