Friday, March 26, 2021

Is The F-35 Unsalvageable?

Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 declares their initial operational capability (IOC) for the F-35C Lightning II. (U.S. Marine Corps/Lance Cpl. Juan Anaya) 

Sean Kennedy, The Hill: The F-35 may be unsalvageable 

The 2021 reviews of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) are in, and they are not glowing. 

On Jan. 14, 2021, then-Acting Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary Christopher Miller labeled the JSF a “piece of [expletive].” Then, on March 5, 2021, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) called the program a “rathole,” and asked whether it was time to stop spending that much money for “such a low capability?” 

The JSF has become the embodiment of the DOD’s broken weapons acquisition system, which has been on the Government Accountability Office’s High-Risk List since 1990. The F-35 was originally conceived as the low-end of a high-low strategy consisting of numerous cheap aircraft that would replace Cold War workhorses like the F-16 and A-10 among other aircraft. The plan was for the JSF to be complimented by a smaller fleet of more advanced fighters, to be developed later. 

WNU Editor: Criticisms of the F-35 program have been ongoing for years. But it is different now. In the past few months the daggers are now out to cut and/or kill this program.


Anonymous said...

"In the past few months"

November, December, January, and February would be a few months. Is it because the Democrats are in charge and now if they cut a big program they can direct the monies to their pet programs, their street organizers, and their pockets?

I really think many of the critics could care less about the efficacy of military weapons systems or platforms. They just want the money.

The F-35 program reminds me of the EU. The EU principals, backers, and fanboys would literally dun countries to hold referendums to join the EU. If a referendum failed, they would insist on another one and another one until they won. This happened to Ireland and the Netherlands. As soon as they got everyone onboard is started falling apart. See 2011.

Anonymous said...

Again, who got rich of this fiasco?

Who greenlit it?

And will the companies and involved cronies give back a bit of the 2 trillion(!) they pocketed WHILE(!) reducing your air supremacy WHILE(!) you're in a deadly rivalry with China!?

Without oversight and fair punishment(where justified) your nation will fall further

You need to reign in the corruption

Jac said...

Killing the program is always possible. Then, what will replace it? We need plane anyway and China would be pleased we cancel a program without replacement.

Anonymous said...

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program

The F-35 meets is key performance parameters (KPPs). So what is wrong with it?

You could say cost. Is it because things in America in general cost to much or the military aircraft industry is incompetent? If it is the former, that would be seem to be in part a government caused problem IMO.

How do the KPPs stack up against other options such as the KPPs of the F15 E/X?

How do the KPPs of the F-35 stack against the competition?

What does the QDR say about the competition?

All I hear is a lot of whining from people, who want to rob the defense budget to build up their clientela, so they can be perpetually in power.

There are needs they say. These people can build up needs and wants faster, then they could ever produce useful products and services. The trained seal, Joe, complained about lead water lines. Where I live they are demolishing a bunch of public housing and replacing the, I bet the replace the lead supply lines, when they do. So where is this emergency the seal was weeping about? Not all lines will be replaced at once, but the lead lines are not much of a problem because they have coating on the surfaces the prevents leachate unless you change the water formula like they did in Flint.

The people who want to kill the F-35 are the people that design social programs, which do not meet any KPPs. I do mean none. We have people living in government housing that have more floor space than an enlisted person's family. The go to school, where enough money is spent per pupil to send them to college. Then they still end up trying to rob the gas station. Just had a 15 y/o walk into a gas station and just started shooting at the clerk. Didn't ask for money. Just walked in and started blasting. The only reason the clerk is not dead was because of bullet proof glass.

If we take demented Joe's advice and get rid of guns, liberals will demand that bullet proof glass be taken down in gas stations so as to not hurt people's self esteem. As the shooter came with 2 buddies, guess what happens if he cant get a gun, because they are outlawed? He is going to use a knife or a bat.

A large part of the F-35's problem right now is the guns versus butter debate. The people advocating butter do not have a good track record and do not meet any KPPs.