Friday, March 26, 2021

President Biden Says He Will Run for President Again In 2024

US President Joe Biden, 78, says his 'expectation' is to run for a second term in 2024, but also noted that he is a strong believer in fate 

 * Biden, 78, also said that if he does run in 2024 he 'would fully expect' that Vice President Kamala Harris would be on the ticket 
 * He also left open the possibility of stepping aside after one term, as he made the comments just two months into his presidency
 * 'My plan is to run for reelection. That´s my expectation,' Biden told reporters 
 * Biden, who would be 81 in 2024, later pushed back against a reporter's suggestion that his 2024 plans were definite
 * It is unusual to focus on running for re-election so early in a presidential term 

Joe Biden said on Thursday that he plans to run for reelection in 2024 and he has 'no idea' if he will be running against Donald Trump while ending speculation he would only be a one-term president. 

Biden, 78, also said that if he does run in 2024 he 'would fully expect' that Vice President Kamala Harris would be on the ticket, saying: 'She's doing a great job, she's a great partner.' 

He did however leave open the possibility of stepping aside after one term, as he made the comments just two months into his presidency. 

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WNU Editor: LOL. No he will not. My prediction. He will retire in 2023 a full year before the end of his first term.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Biden staff told Biden to utter those words to try to prop up the regime after the disastrous pressser.

Biden would have to retire by 2023 to give Kamal the power of incumbency, but can La Mascarade last so long?

How does Joe get through the State of the Union speech (SOTUS) in 2022? Through better chemistry?

If all it took was better living through better chemistry, we would be immortal by now and live in utopia. Very obviously the body is a complex system and just increasing the dosage or switch to one of a dozen or so drugs won't work to increase availability or reliability.

Okay so maintainability, availability (uptime), and reliability are terms they use in weapons acquisition or manufacturing to describe a complex machinery. The brass in the Pentagon have to be thinking in those terms at times. Unless they gun decked all their acquisition training, which would explain why procurement programs suck.

Will Joe and seal trainers go back 100 years in time and go back to a printed report handed to Congress. That is no radio or TV broadcast?

Or will Joe go to Capital Hill and deliver a 15 to 20 minutes SOTUS interrupted by Nancy and her seals? Everyone will eat shit and pretend it is the best meal they ever had?

There is precedent:

With 16 days until the election, and so many unanswered questions surrounding Joe Biden's campaign, the media asked the Democratic presidential nominee the critical question of:

"What flavor milkshake did you get?"

Anonymous said...

Psaki, who worked in the Obama administration, could not confirm the existence of a freezer full of ice cream in the White House.

With a diet like that they are not going to squeeze as many quality-life-years, Va va vroom and fahrvergnügen from Joe as they might like.

What would Zeke Emanuel opine on the quality life years and the freezer full of ice cream?

What is it with Nancy, Joe Biden and Democrats with their ice cream freezers?

Let them eat ice cream?

Did they promise Joe a long 4 day weekend and video arcade games at Camp David, if he did the presser?

Anonymous said...

WNU he will never make it till 2023

If he makes it through this year I'd be surprised. Usually things at this stage deteriorate much quicker

He should resign by end of next month, anything beyond that is putting himself ahead of the nation

Anonymous said...

sorry lads: Biden won and is popular. Should he not run or finish his term, a very able woman (oh my) will take his place. Meanwhile, Orange guy might not be available for a number of reasons.

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself that....

Anonymous said...

2:47 is an obvious troll. His syntax is too good for the tripe the codger usually puts out. You know what is important, when trolls try to misdirect.