Saturday, March 13, 2021

ISIS And Al-Qaeda’s Affiliates Are Spreading Throughout The Sub-Sahara

Defense One:
ISIS and Al-Qaeda’s Sub-Saharan Affiliates Are Poised for Growth in 2021 

A rundown on jihadi groups’ expansion in the Sahel and Nigeria, the Horn of Africa, and the continent’s southeastern Swahili coast. 

Once considered a backwater for jihadists, sub-Saharan Africa is now at the forefront of the counterterrorism landscape. With core ISIS and al-Qaeda reeling from sustained Western counterterrorism campaigns, attention has shifted from former jihadist bases in the Middle East and south Asia, respectively, to the Sahel and Nigeria, the Horn of Africa, and, most recently, the continent’s southeastern Swahili coast. ISIS and al-Qaeda affiliates throughout sub-Saharan Africa are well-positioned to expand their influence, garner new recruits, spread propaganda, and in some cases, capture territory. 

WNU Editor: Mozambique is the big worry right now .... Hungry, angry and fleeing the horrors of war in northern Mozambique (BBC).


Stephen Davenport said...

Got to love that religion of peace

Anonymous said...

Obama did this.

1) Obama broke Libya JNIM &ISGS attacks are the domino effects. The armories of Libya were opened like Pandora's box. Defeated militias went south and other militia simply expanded south.

2) Obama did everything he could to help out Boko Haram in Nigeria except call them the legitimate government of Nigeria.

3) Obama declared Yemen and Somalia successes. You do not fix what is broken, so the Somalia Al Shabaab problem was swept under the rug so Obama could take his victory lap.

But is is all good. Moochelle got to take her African Safari at taxpayer expense. And she got her Spanish Holiday and took over 2 whole floors of a hotel.

Priorities People


Anonymous said...

Don't you dare. I saw on CNN him being praised for bringing change and earning (!) A well deserved Nobel peace prize. He's that's good. He's at the same level as the Washington Post that received a Pulitzer prize for "in depth reporting"on the Russia collusion.. not for actively and knowingly misleading and dividing the public, I mind you. These are good people. Better people than you and I,or how else do you explain the prizes and associated money flowing? Obama got a cool 1mn for the prize and then a cool speaking fee and book deal etc upgrades that made him a near billionaire for his intellect and speaking gift. Not for access or s pay to play scheme like the Clintons. How dare you.

That's the left.
The corrupt filthy left.
They stop at nothing.