Tuesday, March 9, 2021

New Study Says Covid-19 Coronavirus Variants Will Continue To Evolve And May Escape The current Generation Of Vaccines

© Global Look Press / Fushion Medical Animation 

A new study examining the efficacy of current generation of vaccines against the UK and South Africa variants of SARS-CoV-2 makes for sobering reading, and raises the specter of widespread reinfection. 

The study, published in Nature on March 8, warns that the current generation of vaccines and monoclonal antibody treatments may lose the arms race against the coronavirus, raising the daunting, open-ended possibility of reinfection unless vaccine rollout is greatly expedited worldwide to prevent further mutations. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: the Nature study is here .... Antibody Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Variants B.1.351 and B.1.1.7 (Nature). Bottom line. It looks like for those who have and/or soon will be vaccinated, Covid booster shots will be out future.


Anonymous said...

It came from a food market! --CCP,WHO,CNN,MSNBC

That 1 week longbroad closure at the Wuhan bio lab,at around the time of the outbreak. .nothing to report on here --CNN,CCP, MSNBC

gain of function research at the Wuhan buolab? Whaaaat? You mean gain weight? Nothing to see here!! --CCP,CNN,MSNBC,WHO

Dr. Mülls, the inventor of the much used PCR used in covid19 detection and nobel price winner WARNED not to use his test in this way to detect viruses. He also warned about Fauci personally and his medical tyranny. NOTHING TO SEE HERE! !--CNN,YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, FAUCI, GATES, NEWSGUARD


Anonymous said...

And it's such a great imprisonment tool. .a virus invisible to the eye. .a common corona class of which there always were thousands around incl the mutations before covid19 was invented. Now suddenly, if you come in contact with someone who had covid19, perhaps indicated by just bluetooth proximity data shared through your phone. .maybe the delivery guy. .suddenly you might get quarantined in a covid camp. ..

Now it's a viral fragment. .soon it'll be used to isolate you if you came in contact with an idea. The wrong ideology. Not adhering to the state. Maybe something you posted. In short..control over what you can read and say. Mind control. Truth ministries. And bill Gates is eager to implement it all. Loves it.

Controlling truth. Ultimate power.
You can get away with any crime.

Bill Gates loooves it. Just watch his newsguard interviews. If that man is not a psychopath. ..

The CIA often worked with psychoaths. .it's well documented. ..or watch his senate hearing video in the early days. Tell me that's not a psychopath.

Maybe I'm wrong. I kinda like the guy. The sweater vest. Makes him trustworthy of sorts. That human like face.

I get that same feeling with Pelosi.. is that a real human? What about Brennan? Real or alien invasion or body snatchers?

They are so fake... so scripted...so inhumane in everything they do. I don't know. MS Windows and office and xbox are neat, minus the spyware of course. .. but then again bill Gates stole the early Microsoft dos system didn't he? He's kind of famous for that and then using the power of buying-the-law to get away with it, got funded by Inteliq/CIA from then on... or am I wrong and owe Bill Gates an apology after the newsguard overlords made me kneel in the public square of course :) that's the future...Plus restricted traveling and other freedoms thanks to the covid passports bill Gates and the deep state push....the same people who wanted Trump out of office and silenced the courts. ..

Or am I wrong? Looking at this from the outside as European, so I might be wrong. .US politics is craaazzyyy. :D

Dave Goldstein said...

No it didn't, it came from bio a war fare lab. No if ands or buts.