Monday, March 15, 2021

Pentagon Looking At Modular Solar Generators To Help Power Remote Bases


Solar generators that fit inside standard shipping containers could help revolutionize energy logistics for critical expeditionary operations. 

While most discussions about defense technology tend to center on weaponry and transportation, one of the most pressing technological concerns for any military operation is energy. It takes quite a bit of energy to power an operating base of any size, especially expeditionary ones that might be in remote areas or locations without sufficient existing energy infrastructure. The Department of Defense is the largest single user of fuel in the world and accounts for 76% of the United States federal government's total energy usage. Energy costs account for billions of dollars of the DOD's budget each year, and reducing energy costs and boosting both efficiency and sustainability is a key part of its current energy strategy, but it may also be critical to the success of its future operations. 

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WNU Editor: This should have been done a long time ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So the DoD is catching up to the wisdom of preppers and off grid types. They are about 40 years behind the times. The only reason the did it was to suck up to official DC. they are doing t for the same reason the command sergeant major of Space Command publicly spat with Tucker Carlson. To hoover. 1,013.5 mbars baby!

We know what rated capacity is. What is the capacity after a dust storm? How about, when the wind is blowing a steady 20 miles per hour and feels like you are in a convection oven?

Preppers look into wind turbines, water turbines, solar, geothermal, wood and more. A water turbine might work for small units of the 10 Mountain division.

Prototypes are being tested in the American southwest. But the south west does not have as many dust storms as Iran or other places perhaps.