Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Picture Of The Day

Worst sandstorm in a decade over Beijing clears, but dust alert remains. Photo: Li Hao/GT 

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... Worst sandstorm in a decade over Beijing clears, but dust alert remains. (Global Times).


Anonymous said...

Regarding the above picture that shows blue skies. I've been to Beijing and the blue sky is rare, typically when the factories up north are shut down when eg heads of states visit... again.. China's propaganda.. they run coal coal coal all day long

Anonymous said...

I concur. When I visited Beijing in the late 1990s on the last day of a 2 week trip I saw a patch of blue sky the size of the moon in an orange sky. It reminded of the Dr. Suess story of the Lorax. It was such a small patch of sky.

Mornings were without sunrise. It was so hazy that you could never tell exactly, when the sun came up. There was just a gradual brightening from sodium light bouncing of the low clouds and smog at night to full day.

I read one report where only about 15% of coal plants use scrubbers. It is the law and it is ignored.