Sunday, March 21, 2021

Protesters Across Europe Clash With Police Over COVID-19 Lockdowns


Demonstrators took to the streets in several European cities on Saturday to protest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, with clashes between demonstrators and police erupting in the German city of Kassel, as authorities tried to confront a third coronavirus wave. 

More than 20,000 people participated in the protest in the central German city of Kassel, where there also were confrontations between the demonstrators and counter-protesters. The anti-lockdown protesters marched through downtown Kassel despite a court ban, and most didn't comply with infection-control protocols such as wearing face masks. 

Some protesters attacked officers and several journalists, according to German media. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in Montreal and yesterday there was a 1,000+ demonstration against the lockdown measures here. 

 More News On Protesters Across Europe Clashing With Police Over COVID-19 Lockdowns 


Anonymous said...

BATTLE of Burbank, California

"Tinhorn Flats is a family-operated bar and restaurant in Burbank. Burbank has had a death rate from the Wuhan virus of 2.8 percent of which 80 percent were of those over 65 who had, on average three co-morbidities.

Despite this, and disregarding the substantial sums restaurant and bar owners had shelled out to keep outdoor patrons safe, on December 6 the city council ordered all restaurants closed. Tinhorn refused and continued to serve patrons outdoors."

Earth to Democrat Tyrants

I am not a senior citizen. As I was not hatched or decanted for a production line à la Brave New World, I have senior citizen relatives. SO I have skin in the game.

What local, state, and nat5ional leaders are doing is criminal. There is no reason for it except for control. NONE!

Anonymous said...

I found that quite interesting: