Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Russia Threatens To Block Twitter In A Month If Banned Content Is Not Removed


 * Russia has vowed to remove Twitter in a month in a row over 'banned content' 
 * Watchdog says site failed to remove content about suicide, drugs and child porn 
 * But critics say move is designed to stop opposition leaders organising protests 
 * Comes a day after Alexei Navalny posted his first update from inside jail 

Russia has threatened to block Twitter within 30 days unless the site acts to remove what the government refers to as 'banned content'. 

Vadim Subbotin, deputy head of watchdog Roskomnadzor, said on Tuesday that the ban would come into effect unless Twitter removed the content, which he said includes child porn and information on child suicide and drugs. 

But critics say the crackdown is actually an attempt to stop Putin's political opponents organizing rallies, as they did in a number of cities earlier this year. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Twitter says it is concerned that Russia's actions will limit free speech. This coming from a company that has blocked and/or deleted numerous accounts that have been banned because of political and/or ideological differences.

 More News On Russia Threatening To Block Twitter In A Month 


Anonymous said...

Twitter is a cesspool of degeneracy, communist sympathizers, and jaded Western values (or lack of values rather) I don't blame Russia for banning it's filth. I only wish the West would do the same, but the west is now polluted by every kind of degeneracy in the name of "freedom", and its leaders are only concerned with lining their own pockets like Biden has been doing for years.

Anonymous said...

I would side with Twitter over Navalny, but after what Twitter did this last election cycle and before, I have no sympathy. None.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the let's call it innovation that twitter brought .. but it's really one of the worst apps out there. It's highly addictive,but worse it's highly divisive and polarizing.

On top all the free speech violations that twitter is known for. .the deplatfoeming of undesired view points, which is as unAmerican and unDemocratic as it gets. They're horrible tools working for the CIA aimed to destabilise entire natons. .. So I get Putin. ..both are liars, Dorsey and Putin,just that Putin doesn't act all holy like bearded Jack. Ewwwh

Anonymous said...

A complete open network that allows anyone to talk to anyone sounded like a good idea at the time - however, it gives the worst of the worst a platform they never had.
I'd rather see it shut down completely...

Anonymous said...

Trump told the truth.

Trump started building the wall and the Demoshits threw everything at him including the kitchen sink.

Trump started pulling us out of losing war, wars that many liberal said were illegal, or had no mandate from the American population and the Demofucks threw everything at him including the kitchen sink.

"Twitter fine till[sic] Trump ..."'til

Anonymous said...
