Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Explosion Rocks Israeli Defense-Munitions Factory

SouthFront: Large Explosion At Sensitive Israeli Defense Factory 

On April 21st, a large explosion took place in a defense factory in Israel. 

The explosion seems to have occurred during a routine test at the advanced weapons factory which houses various types of missiles. 

Officials may have underestimated the collateral damage of the test, which led to the explosion. 

The factory is located in central Israel, and in proximity to residential areas. 

Civilians documented the mushroom cloud. Senior defense officials are now investigating what went wrong, and whether guidelines were adhered to. 

There are still no reports of casualties.  

Read more ....  

Update: Explosion Rocks Israeli Munitions Factory (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: Iran's media is celebrating .... Iran media celebrates 'explosion' at 'sensitive Israel missile factory' (Jerusalem Post).

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