Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Top AFRICOM Commander Says Chinese Naval Base In Djibouti Is Now Large Enough To Support An Aircraft Carrier

Chinese sailors watch a People’s LIberation Army Navy (PLAN) pull into Djibouti. Xinhua Photo 

 USNI News: AFRICOM: Chinese Naval Base in Africa Set to Support Aircraft Carriers 

A recently completed pier at the Chinese naval base near the entrance to the Red Sea is large enough to support an aircraft carrier, the top U.S. commander for Africa told lawmakers on Tuesday. 

Referring to the Chines naval base in Djibouti, U.S. Africa Commander Army Gen. Stephen Townsend told the House Armed Services Committee that the People’s Liberation Army was expanding its existing naval installation adjacent to a Chinese-owned commercial deep-water port and also seeking other military basing options elsewhere on the continent.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: China's base in Africa now big enough to host aircraft carriers, AFRICOM boss says -- Stars and Stripes  

Update #2: Why is the US concerned about China’s naval base in Djibouti? -- TRT  

WNU Editor: Not everything is rosy between China and Djibouti .... Djibouti-China marriage ‘slowly unravelling’ as investment project disappoints (France 24).

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