Thursday, April 22, 2021

Is NBC News Trying To Trigger Riots In The U.S.?

Zero Hedge: NBC Deceptively Edits 911 Call & Video From Fatal Police Shooting Involving Knife-Wielding Teen Girl 

NBC News - which was forced to apologize in 2012 for deceptively editing the 911 phone call of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case to make him sound racist - has done it again. 

Following the fatal officer-involved shooting of 16-year-old black girl, Ma'Khia Bryant - who was about to stab another black girl in Columbus, Ohio - tensions flared high as a flood of leftist journalists and 'blue-checks' on Twitter falsely reported that Bryant was unarmed.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Shame on NBC and other.

The best commentary that I have heard on this incident is below. Watch it before YouTube bans it. 



Anonymous said...

If Russia stays out of the news, NBC and the other MSM will get bored and virtue signal the US to death in year's time.

Anonymous said...

81 vs 74, we won, we get to dictate the news as we see it, deal with it...(Did I mess anything?)

Anonymous said...

4:40 Fuck Face

The article was about NBC not Biden or any of the other saintly Democrats that you worship daily. A Democrat elected politician was not criticized and yet you are upset. I get it . The press is an arm of the DNC. So I DID! I DID CRITICIZE ONE OF YOUR HOLY OF HOLIES!

Two pieces of evidence that emerged this week seem to boost the argument that the bulk of the mainstream media is nothing but an arm of the Democrat Party.

So I apologize. I know you get upset and will tell your mummy, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary that a holy person was criticized. You must be very stressed.

Back in the real world people think liberals, Democrats and other refuse have jumped the shark. People do not get that a person would go on attack unarmed after the police roll up. The cops are there and a 16 year old still tries to stab 2 other people and a young black male, who is a teenager or 20 something, kick a woman in the head in front of a cop twice. I mean WTF!

What Makiyah's mother did not reveal is that Makiya was in a foster home. Usually it means that maybe mom was not the best mother, but a very poor one. Of course it is hard to tell when the press shows us that they would rather covers shoe store opening than epic statewide problems with Family court, where officers of the court are bilking the state of money and ignoring allegations of child molestation. But that is The Show ME State not Ohio, but it still makes you wonder about other states.

It makes you wonder about NBC. Maybe Makiya was put into a foster home, because she was gang banging and her mother encouraged it or at least did not discourage it.

Makiya wound up for a knife strike. The knife was 3inches long or longer. If she would have struck the other girl would have had a 33% to 67% chance of dying. She would have had a perforated and collapsed lung , a severed artery or something. At the very least she would have had perforated intestines. That is survivable. Most everything else is not.

Well a gut wound is survivable for the last 100 years. Before then it would take you 3 agonizing days to die.

The girl in pink was obviously very dangerous. She was holding a toy dog. I guess in you fucked up world that means she was armed and dangerous.

You did miss something. You take a long walk off ...

Anonymous said...

12mins it took police to arrive at the scene, no sirens when they rolled up. You can literally pause the video and watch as each member of the group notices the police have arrived. This "girl" is triggered into ATTACK MODE as soon as she spots the police officer. This is either suiside by police or worse its a staged death for the BLM movement. Only social media she has is Tiktok! no IG, SN Facebook? just the Chinese Tiktok.

Anonymous said...

"Secret", meant to read severe. A very, very severe prize for almost destroying your country. Over politics. For a power grab. They're monsters. They need to be behind bars for a very, very long time, and some deserve a worse faith for causing so much death and division in your country.
They're terrorists. Act accordingly

Anonymous said...

This liberal heard about this incident on a liberal cable show and yes the knife was in fact clearly noted. So take your big effort to badmouth any and all but Fox and gang and move on.

A representative for the union representing Columbus police could not be immediately reached for comment Wednesday afternoon.

Bryant was in the foster care system, Franklin County Children Services confirmed Tuesday night.

Interim Police Chief Michael Woods told reporters Wednesday: "It's a tragedy. There's no other way to say it. It's a 16-year-old girl."

The case is being handled by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, and Columbus authorities said they will be limited in their comments. But Woods said department policy allows officers to shoot if it is believed that someone's life is in danger.

Anonymous said...

Going on six months after the election and I'm still sensing quite a bit of BUTTHURT.

Well, losers need something to cling to I guess.

I'm a winner, an achiever. I own the largest watercraft dealership in seven counties.

RussInSoCal said...

It was a good shoot. And I'm really quite done hearing the sad tales of teenagers - boys, girls, black or otherwise - getting themselves killed by cops. Remember that 2 young black girls murdered a Pakistani Uber driver while they were jacking his car.

The comments by Officer Tatum were spot on. Its just that knee-jerk, 80-IQ activists jump on the story with all their pre (ill) conceived notions going in.

And re: 6:36. Is that all you got? The rote and false 81>74 dig is old. But it might be all that one-hit wonder, autistic douchebag can muster up.

Jac said...

Yes you are a winner, okay. Does it mean you was a looser in 2016? Well, when thinking just have a little bit of decency.

Anonymous said...

Ma’Kiyah Bryant Neighbor Says Security Footage Proves Columbus Police Officer Had No Choice But to Shoot Knife-Wielding Teen

The above linked story has more video. This video is taken from across the street and is blurry. I happened all so fat. I cannot believe Makiya got up off the ground to lunge at the other girl.

The video is at an angle rotated 45 degrees from the officers video.

The 911 call mentioned that Makiya wanted to hurt someone's grandmother. Was the grandmother the foster parent? We know Makiya was in foster care. What was the problem? A modicum of discipline?

No word on Makiya's father. I am thinking it was a stupid white guy. Should they not know who Makiya's father is in the age of DNA. Makiyah was born in 2004. State welfare agencies always ask the mother who the father is. Maybe she did not name anyone. Maybe the guy is indigent. Something is wrong. In HS another classmate had a rule. Don't fuck what you won't marry. It is a good rule. Makiya should have had a father in her life.

Anonymous said...

After Cronkhite, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, it was really hard to like any news anchor. I first saw Lester Holt narrating true crime shows. He has a good voice and was likable. Now he is shown to be like all the other dicks.

Anonymous said...

"…this country is doomed. It is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040, this country is going to be minority white European. You hear me? Minority white European. And you guys are going to have to start working more with Hispanics."

- President Puppet

Anonymous said...

demographics got you dowhjn? fuck some more and get more white babies...if you can

Anonymous said...

My babies are not white.

I posted President * quote to show how racists he and/or the Democrats are.

blacks and hispanics are waiting until Whites become a minority until they "fully " cooperate. It must be that good old fashioned racial division and identity politics the race mongers of the Democrat Party preach.

It has be 50 years since the 60s and black racists and hispanic racists of the democrat party are not fully cooperating?

Anonymous said...

Heroic Columbus Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Knife-Wielding Teen is Military-Trained Expert Marksman

Two comments

People like Le Bron fvcked up big time. They think of they can get the mayor or police commissioner to fire a policeman, then they are in the driver's seat. They do not care about facts just their political power and agenda.

Most cops could not make the shots that he made. I was confused how he could whip around and shoot and not kiss. Now, I know why.

Anonymous said...

Lololololololo! If stupid could just spell.

Anonymous said...

Policeman shot girl. Has he been charged with crime as yet?
hold your panties and piss later on

Anonymous said...

* Spelling is easy. Typing and proofreading is not.

* Fred or Fred troll it is straight out of Jim Crow. You whip up a crowd outside the courthouse or city hall to get the grand jury verdict, jury verdict or prosecutor's decision that you want. They might not get this policeman due to video evidence, but they will keep people whipped up and drinking the Kool Aid to have them primed to protest for the next incident.

On top of the local crowd at city Hall there is the national crowd. One member of the national crowd, Le Bron James made a public death threat against the police officer. Plus you know Democrats and other allied groups are fund raising over it. The only glimmer of light from the Left was that is the CNN's Lemon actually said something that was true about the incident. That was notable.

If The cop had not been there Makiyah would have killed two black women/girls and the story would have stayed local. Democrats would not have cared. Truth. Except when Makiya would be in prison locked up in her 20s, some enterprising Democrat group would be whining about the prison system and why Makiya is locked up.

Other than CNN's Lemon most Democrats jumped the shark and proudly proclaimed knife fighting was normal and a rite of passage. One of them was Valerie Jarret. She is African American, but she could pass for white. You know that idiot is not going to win a knife fight. But there she is pushing the notion that it is normal. To think she was a presidential advisor of note. Birds of a feather flock together.

A 13 year old was stabbed by another 13 year old in a neighborhood near Makiay. Did the loathsome MSM cover it? No, it did not fit their narrative.

Anonymous said...

‘THE BOY NEXT DOOR PHENOMENON’: Young Americans are more optimistic about the future and far more approving of U.S. leadership under President Biden than during ex-president Donald Trump's tenure, according to a new Harvard Youth Poll released on Friday.

Biden has hit the highest favorability rating — 63 percent — among college students who are registered voters of any president in the youth poll's 21-year history, according to the poll.

Sitting at an overall 59 percent approval rating with those surveyed, Biden's popularity among young voters also marks a dramatic U-turn for the 78-year-old president: at this time last year, only 34 percent of all young adults viewed Biden favorably, per the spring 2020 Harvard Youth Poll. Read the full results here.

“Joe Biden hasn't really changed much but it's like the ‘boy next door’ phenomenon: you take a second look and you see these qualities that you never appreciated before,” John Della Volpe, a former Biden campaign youth vote adviser and the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics polling director told Power Up. “You knew he kind of had the same values but he shares much more of your values that you might have thought before — certainly in the way he thinks about government and America and people are responding to how quickly he's been able to instill some of his values in the practice of government.
George W. Bush came in at 61 percent in 2003; Barack Obama at 57 percent in 2016.

Anonymous said...

girls has knife. cops called. cop shoots girl. No charges against the cop as yet. and yet the ranting goes on and on. Wait till there is a charge against the cop or no charges are made before you pour your stupid remarks.

Anonymous said...

Chauvin trial jury panel member admits being intimidated

9:06 is this you in the link below?

Anonymous said...

"I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

- Chauvin Juror

Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace: If Ma'Khia Bryant called 911 before Columbus police shooting, 'that changes everything' | Fox News

Anonymous said...

"Absolutely that changes everything because she's not the original aggressor. She, therefore, was initially the victim and there's a very good argument then [that she was] defending herself"

- Ashley Willcott

I saw Ma'khia attack a girl in a pink jogging suit holding a miniature dog. She obviously is not a threat.

Reality is a tough motherfucker.

Suppose for the sake of argument and to give you a fig leaf, because you really need one, ... suppose that the girl in the pink jogging suit had been an aggressor at 4:#2. By the time the cops show up 12 minutes later, the girl in the pink jogging suit was not an aggressor or was not a threat.

Now put on your stained liberal thinking cap and tell us that Ma'khia had the right to stab someone, who is no longer a threat.

Do police have the right to shoot someone who is no linger a threat? Most people think not.

So do civilians have the right to shoot or stab people who are nom longer a threat?

Can you be consistent for 2 consecutive seconds for once in your life?

Reality is a tough motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

"That said, Grace underscored that whether or not Bryant feared for her safety and made the 911 call to police, she would still legally be considered "the aggressor because that girl [who she appeared to attack] was unarmed.""


You did not read the article did ya?

You saw the headline and thought it made your case. You noted that it was from Fox and reasoned that, since it was from Fox, any conservative had to stop everything and immediately believe the narrative you thought the headline told. You are such a clever little devil.

Reality is a tough motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

Lying, it is what liberal media outlets do.

Liberal Media Outlet Orders Staff To Stop Referring To What’s Happening At The Border As A ‘Crisis’

Anonymous said...

What else is new? This has been going on for 5 years now.

Twitter Banned Trump but Takes No Action Against LeBron James Tweet.